Tags: black, blue, darkness and light, illegals, illustration, Joy, nation, patriotism, red, Sadness, soldiers, Stop A.I., U.S. Flag, veterans, war, white
Tags: black, city on a hill, guns, immigration, Joy, nation, patriotism, photograph, red, soldiers, U.S. Flag, war, white
Tags: black, borders, city on a hill, guns, Joy, nation, patriotism, photograph, red, Stop A.I., U.S. Flag, war, white
Tags: Anger, blue, borders, Facebook, Fear, foreign policy, immigration, nation, patriotism, photograph, race, red, soldiers, Stop A.I., text, U.S. Flag, war
Tags: Anger, Being Patriotic, Constitution, Facebook, Joy, patriotism, redacted, the people, U.S. Flag
Tags: Anger, black, blue, city on a hill, Facebook, Fear, foreign policy, illegals, immigration, Joy, nation, painting, patriotism, race, red, soldiers, Stop A.I., text, U.S. Flag, veterans, war
Tags: Anger, darkness and light, Fear, foreign policy, illegal immigration, immigration, invader, patriotism, photograph, Stop A.I., text, U.S. Flag
Tags: Anger, Being Patriotic, Constitution, Facebook, Joy, patriotism, redacted, text, the people, U.S. Flag
Tags: Anger, black, blue, city on a hill, Facebook, foreign policy, illegals, immigration, Joy, nation, painting, patriotism, race, red, soldiers, Stop A.I., text, U.S. Flag, veterans, war
Tags: Anger, borders, brown, Facebook, foreign policy, green, illegal immigration, immigration, invader, Joy, nation, orange, patriotism, photograph, race, racial identities, racial tensions, red, Stop A.I., text, U.S. Flag, white