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- Tags: Fear
Black American racial experience is real…
for our safety.
There is a disgusting video Circulating …
unidentified white cop rape a helpless Black teen. Shameless White Cop
Rapes Black Teen
Tags: Anger, badge, black, BM, crime, darkness and light, Fear, meme, police brutality, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, white
The cop beat this man like he was a runa…
Tags: Anger, badge, black, BM, civil rights, crime, Fear, police brutality, race, racial identities, racial tensions, video
For years, white supremacists in the Dot…
allegedly planted drugs and guns on black people.
There’s a lot going on in this story, which the Alabama Justice Project is said
to have helped break thanks to anonymous…
Tags: Anger, black, civil rights, crime, darkness and light, Fear, gun, guns, police brutality, race, racial tensions, Surprise, video, Williams&Kalvin
People are genuinely scared for their fu…
Racism won, Ignorance won, Sexual assault won
12 PM
Bring signs, snacks, water! Trump is NOT my President
Tags: Anger, black, BM, civil rights, darkness and light, famous person, Fear, gender, Joy, photograph, race, racial tensions, red, Trump, white
Watch this heart-piercing story about a …
enforcement officers to shoot innocent and unarmed black people.
Tags: Blacktivist, civil rights, common folks, darkness and light, Fear, green, Love, police brutality, purple, race, racial tensions, Sadness, video, white
Black American racial experience is real…
for our safety.