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  • Tags: Fear
We are not against police, we against police brutality!
The Police Chief of El Cajon, Jeff Davis has revealed that the Black man,
Alfred Olango who was shot by his men on Wednesday, didn’t possess a
weapon as reported earlier. The Police Chief of El Cajon, Jeff Davis has
revealed that the Black man,…
November 22 will mark the second anniversary of the Tamir Rice's death. The
12-year-old was carrying a toy airsoft gun when officer Timothy Loehmann
shot him within two seconds of arriving on the scene. A grand jury decided not
indict the…
Yet another innocent Black man losses his life due to the canker of police
brutality in America. Police Brutality: Black Man Beaten To Death By Cops
On November 15, 2015, Jamar Clark, a 24-year-old black man, was fatally

shot by two Minneapolis cops. According to witnesses, Jamar was handcuffed
when he was shot.

Killer cops involved in the shooting won't face discipline. Chief Janee…
The video is Circulating across the internet allegedly depicting a white NYPD
officer raping a black 15-year-old girl in a jail cell. According to some sources,
the incident took place in South Africa. However, there are some crucial
points that are…
Please share this disturbing video. A routine revenue collection stop turned
into a nightmare for this black man.

Kevin Campbell was driving his wife‘s minivan home in June when he was
targeted for revenue collection by Allen Park Police Officer…
15-year-old Black teen and 9th grader, Chase T. Coleman mysteriously went
missing whiles running a 5k race in New York. Teen Assaulted By White Man
During Cross Country Race
In yet another case of police shooting, a New Jersey Police Officer shot and
wounded a Black man in front of his two sons. New Jersey Police Officer
Shoots Unarmed Black Man