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  • Tags: Fear
On November 15, 2015, Jamar Clark, a 24-year-old black man, was fatally
shot by two Minneapolis cops. According to witnesses, Jamar was handcuffed
when he was shot.

Killer cops involved in the shooting won't face discipline. Chief Janee…
There is a disgusting video Circulating on the internet which shows an
unidentified white cop rape a helpless Black teen. Shameless White Cop
Rapes Black Teen
This cop brutalized the Child for taking a shortcut back home. This is why we
have the BLM movement against injustice and police brutality.
Two Black brothers were handcuffed by Colorado Springs police in a traffic
stop for ‘driving while Black’. Colorado Springs Police Handcuff Two Black
Brothers For No Given Reason
Two Black brothers were handcuffed by Colorado Springs police in a traffic
stop for ‘driving while Black’. Colorado Springs Police Handcuff Two Black
Brothers For No Given Reason
Do everything in your power to Change the society we live in and fight to
protect our Children.
Do everything in your power to Change the society we live in and fight to
protect our Children.