On November 15, 2015, Jamar Clark, a 24-…


Dublin Core


On November 15, 2015, Jamar Clark, a 24-…


On November 15, 2015, Jamar Clark, a 24-year-old black man, was fatally
shot by two Minneapolis cops. According to witnesses, Jamar was handcuffed
when he was shot.

Killer cops involved in the shooting won't face discipline. Chief Janee Harteau
recently said that an internal investigation found the officers were warranted in
using deadly force in the death of the 24-year-old black man.

It's been a year since he died. Justice still hasn't been served.

Come out to honor the memory of Jamar on November 19. We won’t stop
until Change is here!

#blacklivesmatter Remember Jamar Clark



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