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- Tags: Fear
Close the borders until it's too late.
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Tags: Anger, blue, borders, Facebook, Fear, foreign policy, immigration, nation, patriotism, photograph, race, red, soldiers, Stop A.I., text, U.S. Flag, war
The statistics show that nationwide 15 p…
suspensions, comparing with 4 percent of white students.
In some state, the numbers are even more disturbing. For example,
Wisconsin suspended 26.6 percent of Black students…
Tags: Anger, blue, civil rights, common folks, Facebook, Fear, meme, non-partisan, photograph, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, text, Williams&Kalvin
Take care of our vets, not illegals. Lik…
Close the borders until it's too late.
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Tags: borders, brown, Facebook, Fear, foreign policy, frontier, immigration, invader, photograph, race, racial tensions, Stop A.I., text, white
Help us to stop police brutality! Every …
21 Student Day of Action to #StopPoliceTerror
Tags: Anger, black, civil rights, crime, Don't Shoot, Facebook, Fear, graduation, guns, illustration, photograph, police brutality, racial tensions, red, text, white
Stop police brutality! Join our meeting …
Action to #StopPoliceTerror
Tags: Anger, black, civil rights, crime, Don't Shoot, Facebook, Fear, guns, photograph, police brutality, racial tensions, red, text
They take yourjob and money! Stop illega…
The 31-year-old black man died Feb. 20 at Fairfield Medical center after he
had a “medical episode” at the jail when deputies were moving Ariel J. Clark
Tags: Anger, black, Blacktivist, brown, civil rights, common folks, crime, Facebook, Fear, meme, photograph, police brutality, prison, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, text
Another horrible loss!
Two beautiful and gifted young women were shot on Sunday in an apartment
complex parking lot near the LSU’s campus in Baton Rouge.
19 year old women were the Southern University Students.
Annette January was the freshman and…
Tags: Anger, black, civil rights, common folks, crime, Facebook, Fear, gender, photograph, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, text, white, Williams&Kalvin