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- Tags: Confederacy
The KKK is an American terror group!
Join the fight! Sign the petition to give that racist organization the REAL
name! Sign the petition today! Click below to learn more Barack Obama, US.
Hou... Blackusa
We want INDEPENDENCE, we fight for const…
Join us! South United Yoyoyoyoyo
Stop liberal ignorance! Don't tolerate t…
renaming our streets! Defend our confederate heritage! Join South United!
South United Yoyoyoyoyo
Tags: 2nd Amendment, Anger, blue, Confederacy, Confederate flag, cowboy, freedom, gun, nation, patriotism, photograph, REAL AMERICA, red, southern_rebel_pride, text, white
Heritage not hate. God bless Dixie!
Yep or Nope?
Tags: blue, city on a hill, Confederacy, Confederate flag, cowboy, Joy, nation, patriotism, photograph, red, South United, U.S. Flag, white
Finally New Orleans will be free from ra…
rid of monuments of racist Confederate history New Orleans Begins To Tear
Down Confederate Monuments
Tags: black, BM, Confederacy, Joy, national monuments, photograph, race, racial identities, text, white
Dylan Storm Roof's website hinted at why…
shoot nine people to death at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in
South Carolina.
Along with a long, hate-filled screed, the 21-year-old included photos…
Tags: Anger, black, blue, common folks, Confederacy, crime, darkness and light, Fear, illustration, nation, race, red, religion, Sadness, text, U.S. Flag, video, white, Williams&Kalvin
Join our fight to save Southern Heritage…
Tags: Anger, blue, Confederacy, Confederate flag, illustration, Joy, nation, patriotism, race, red, redacted, South United, white
Join us in our fight to save Southern He…
Tags: Anger, blue, city on a hill, Confederacy, Confederate flag, nation, patriotism, red, redacted, South United, text, white