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Patricia Smith, a mother of Benghazi arrack victim’s made some statements
this Thursday broadcast on Fox Business Network. She said there is “a
special place in hell” for people like Hillary “and I hope she enjoys it there”.

Smith added in her…
This Monday Clinton had a public interview event where she was asked to tell
about Iraq war and Intervention in Libya during her being as a secretary of
state. After attacks in Benghazi, after her actions and lies caused a national
scandal, after…
The former secretary of state’s Chain of lies continues and seems like not
going to end. This Tuesday Hillary Clinton dared to state we have no
immigration crisis and things are just fine with invader policy. “I think we’ve
done a really good job…
let's see who we support the most Like for Clinton, Comment for Bernie ;)
An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton:

Dear Mrs. Clinton,

We are trying not to be political, but the current presidential elections and the

rise of hate against Muslims made us realize that it is time to stand and let our
voices be heard.

We know…
Hey, everyonel’?
You know, a great number of black people support us saying that
#HillaryClintonlsNotMyPresident! So this time we would like to make a
#flashmob against #HillaryClinton because she is the real enemy of black
community and our…
JOIN our #HiIlaryCIintonForPrison2016 .Take a photo (you may use just a list
of paper, or write it on the wall or whatever) and send it DM! Please support
us, we really try to make America better! Our followers are going to make their

The last time Hillary Clinton had a press conference on veterans’ issues was
in 2015 and since then all her plans and offers concerning veterans’ life
improvement were stated only in emails made by her staff.…