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  • Tags: Anger
The administration is requesting a $54 billion increase in military spending for
2018. Not a small sum, it’s roughly equal to the entire annual military budget
of France, larger than the defense budgets of the United Kingdom, Germany,
and Japan, and…
Every Citizen should know the rights. Keep on doing what you are doing, Kap!
We always condemn racism and terrorism because they only affect the poor
and less privilege in society. So don't be fooled into making this mistake: The
war in Syria is just another rich white man's way to profit at the cost of
innocent lives... and…
This is a call for love. This is a call for mercy. This is a call for compassion to
all those suffering in Syria now. For all the families who were forced out of
their homes, for the mothers who had to watch their sons and daughters
suffering, for…
This woman is trying to make jury sympathize with her though she didn’t
show any sympathy pulling the trigger. Police Officer Betty Shelby, who is
facing manslaughter Charges in the fatal shooting of Terence Crutcher, faced
the jury on Wednesday.…
Illegals think they are proprietors in America. They think that, since there are
so many of them in America, we can’t deport them all.

So let’s show them what American law is capable of, when fully enforced!
Let’s elect Trump and watch their sorry…
“You got money for war but can’t feed the poor”
How a Black student carrying a glue gun led to a school Iockdown. The

situation in the Colgate University is far from normal. Earlier this month, the
University went on Iockdown for four hours after reports circulated of a
gunman on campus. On May…
The war is horrible! The government is spending our money to kill innocent
kids in the foreign country, but to do that they're cutting the budget and
Closing the schools! It's bad for everyone, so why do they do it?

What do you think about #Syria…
For one guilty cop we got two murder cops who will walk free. That's not how
justice should work #AltonSterling The Justice Department will not Charge the
two police officers involved in fatal shooting of Alton Sterling Officers Won’t
Be Charged In…