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- Tags: Anger
Teacher Suspended For Comparing Student …
teacher has been fired after comparing a 13-year-old student to a slave.
Teacher Suspended For Comparing Student To A Slave
Tags: Anger, BM, civil rights, common folks, race, racial tensions, video
Watch Black students whose school banned…
Twin sisters, Deanna and Mya Cook, 15, were barred from prom, suspended
from sports, and have to serve double detention as punishment for wearing
hair extensions to school,…
Tags: Anger, BM, common folks, gender, photograph, race, racial identities, text, white, yellow
This is what happens when a white man wa…
country. This should remind us all - never trust a white American man!
In a recent interview, Barack Obama said…
the most political courage”. He said that sending troops to Syria was a very
difficult decision, but not bombing Syria was even harder to make. Obama
was hated for not taking…
Let's make it clear:
1) Flint still doesn't have clean water.
2) America spent millions to bomb Syria.
Tags: Anger, foreign policy, redacted, war, Williams&Kalvin
No more mosques! We have to protect Amer…
Tags: Anger, black, infestation, Islamophobia, meme, race, red, religion, Stop A.I., yellow
Don't forget who has lived on this earth…
came and took it away
Tags: Anger, blue, brown, Brown Power, darkness and light, Fear, illustration, immigration, infestation, nation, race, soldiers, war
“You can’t keep doing this. You can’t ke…
communities,” said Deon Jones after filing a federal Civil rights lawsuit against
the Denver Police Department for nearly killing him.
Subscribe to our…
Tags: Anger, black, civil rights, common folks, Fear, gun, illustration, police brutality, race, Sadness, video, white, Williams&Kalvin, yellow
A new study shows hat 99% Of students ha…
2016 were black or latinx. A new study shows hat 99% Of students
handcuffed in school by NYPD in 2016 were black or latinx Study Shows 99%
Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD…
Tags: Anger, black, blue, BM, common folks, crime, Fear, photograph, police brutality, race, racial tensions, Sadness
19 timeslllThat’s why we need a wall. Wh…
country several decades ago is rapidly turning real. It all will definitely get
even worse if we keep doing nothing and letting the invaders do all they want.
This wrongful…
Tags: Anger, common folks, crime, Fear, immigration, infestation, invader, meme, orange, prison, racial tensions, Stop A.I., white, yellow