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  • Tags: Anger
Explosion in Manchester, ISIS attack in Marawi, bomb attack in Bangkok, car
bombing in Syria — all happened in one day. This is heartbreaking and we are
praying for everyone.

Don’t you think that it is vicious cycle? Now they will bomb more in…
The Obama Administration turned a great idea of fighting terrorism into
drawing our country into another regime Change venture. Our military
presence in Syria now doesn’t serve American interests. Our soldiers are
there to fight and die for…
Police brutality in America gone crazy. But America is too busy bombing
countries in the Middle East.
It’s just ridiculous that we lack money for veterans’ healthcare and housing,
lack recourses to enforce our border security, but at the same time have
enough budget funds to continue this devastating policy of bombing foreign
countries. Ordinary…
Mexicans are known for their masculinity and militancy, as many wars in the
past say. That's why the US often offers Mexicans to join the armed forces, in
exchange for what they promise to give American Citizenship. In this regard,
Mexicans are often…
Unite Black people worldwide, for we are weak because we are divided!
Woke Blacks
This is scary. Our Children are not safe in this world anymore. Stop police
violence. Don‘t bomb Syria. Stop the spread of war.

Their Childhood is not the most beautiful of all life‘s seasons anymore.

Our politicians won‘t care unless it happens to…
“This land was Mexican once, was Indian always and is. And will be again.”

Gloria AnzaIdL'Ja. Source:—
If you also think that there should only be peace, come with us and let's make
it happen.

Stop war! Stop killing the innocent! Some believed Trump would withdraw the
US. from useless and bloody military campaigns. But what we see is only…
WOW! Ah off-duty Los Angeles cop in Anaheim called a female student a
"cunt" for stepping on his lawn as she walked back home from school. When
her friend stood up for her, the cop started a fight with kids, pulled a gun and
fired a shot near the…