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  • Tags: Anger
I believe Ron Paul’s position on our foreign military policy is absolutely right.
After all, it was Trump who promised to put America First and promised to end
Obama’s policy of wasting budget money on military operations overseas.
“We’re not going…
Saturday marked 25 years since one of the biggest and most violent acts of
protest in modern American history, which involved days of rebellion largely
led by L.A.’s Black residents. It's up to you to decide, how much America has
Changed through…
Police brutality in America gone crazy. But America is too busy bombing
countries in the Middle East.
Reversing this trend won’t be easy, especially when the industry increasingly
looks to Latino neighborhoods and other minority communities to boost sales.
Black people are 1.5 times more likely to be obese than their white
counterparts. Why? Black…
Do you think that there is a place for racism in lawmaking? The answer
seems to be obvious but white Alabama legislator, Lynn Greer, of Rogersville,
would disagree with you. Black lawmakers accuse their colleague of being
racist and trying to…
We always condemn racism and terrorism because they only affect the poor
and less privilege in society. So don't be fooled into making this mistake: The
war in Syria is just another rich white man's way to profit at the cost of
innocent lives... and…
Explosion in Manchester, ISIS attack in Marawi, bomb attack in Bangkok, car
bombing in Syria — all happened in one day. This is heartbreaking and we are
praying for everyone.

Don’t you think that it is vicious cycle? Now they will bomb more in…
A study reveals that Cheating about race in CVs impact Chances for Black
people to get interviewed. A study reveals that Cheating about race in CVs
impact Chances for Black people to get interviewed. Black People Have To
"Whiten" Their CVs
The US-led coalition strike in Syria's Raqqa province killed 12 women, the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said this morning. The second coalition
strike on a town near the Iraqi border killed 23 more Civilians. Just to make it
Clear: our…