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  • Tags: Anger
At least SheMoisture admits that they messed up and apologize Black
Women are upset over SheaMoisture's new whitewashing marketing ploy
SheaMoisture's New Ads Alienate Black Women
It may sound funny but in many aspects, police brutality is like sex, a very
important topic we don’t discuss openly with kids. For many years police
brutality has been the issue you can't skip when talking to your kid. Learning
To Talk About Police…
Onle 10 day suspension for killing Michael Marshall. That's notjustice Denver
City officials announced Wednesday that three Denver sheriff’s deputies have
been suspended for at least 10 day without pay in the jail death of a mentally

ill Black…
The viral tweet below is supposed to be happy but if we look deeper into the
history and statistics, you’ll see it isn’t. The viral tweet highlights two
statistics about black men. Viral Tweet Sheds Light On Black Men
This week, he learned his fate as the judge sentenced the former state
trooper for his crimes.

Luckenbaugh will serve between 9 and 22 months in county prison for kicking
the helpless man.

Subscribe to our…
Black kids suffer more than Children of any other nation in America.
More than 6.5 of every 100,000 black Children under the age of 12 suffer fatal
injuries compared to a rate of 2.1 for Hispanics, 2.2 for whites and 2.3 for
Asians, the report…
It’s a duty of the school principal to do her best to improve the atmosphere at
school regardless its rating but it’s more than obvious that segregation
hasn’t done any good to anyone. White Fla. school principal offers the
segregation of white…
White racist want to steal our fight. Here is the example.
White-Ied anti-racism groups have existed for hundreds of years, and they’ve
often been problematic, counterproductive, and just fucking weird since their
Take, for instance,…