Occupied Japan 1945 - 1952: Gender, Class, Race

How to Use the Site

The site is organized into two primary categories: person and theme. Click on a person's name for a biographical note. Click on a theme name for a description of a specific aspect of Japanese life during the occupation.

Displayed on the right of each theme and person page is a list of links to other related people, themes, and resources. Related resources may include images, URLs, texts, or clips of sound or video. Click on a link to view or hear the resource and to read a short description. Resource pages also contain links to people or themes, which lead to the appropriate biographical note or theme description page.

Access to each resource depends on its copyright permisson. Those who view the site from a University of Maryland IP address can click on all links. However some, or possibly all, related resources will be inaccessible to those outside of the University of Maryland system.

For transliteration of names, terms, and places into English, we have used the Hepburn system. We have also followed the accepted name order in Japan—family names first and personal names second—even in those cases where an author has reversed the order for Western language publications. We have added macrons, except for well-known Japanese place names such as Tokyo or Kyoto, or in cases where they are not used in official U.S. documents or in English language titles.