Occupied Japan 1945 - 1952: Gender, Class, Race
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Occupied Japan 1945 - 1952: Gender, Class, Race

Joan Tea House

"One of the most influential tea masters, Oda Urakusai was also an inventive designer of tea houses and tea utensils. Although the tea house first developed as a place of relaxation for the rich, it eschewed any suggestion of the stately or luxurious, seeking instead to create the austere beauty of a humber dwelling. This one neters to encounter a small, cramped space, devoid of overt decoration, which proves upon closer inspection to embody a variety of low-keyed, well-balanced elements... the pitch of the ceiling, the size and the shape of the windows, and the materials used for floors, walls, and windows, are beautifully integrated."
From: Hibi Sadao. The Colors of Japan. New York: Kodansha International, 2000; 41.


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