According to the Correctional Associatio…

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According to the Correctional Associatio…


According to the Correctional Association of New York’s most recent
statistics, “as of June 2006, 203,100 women were in state or federal prisons
or local jails, just under 10% of the total US. prison and jail population”—more
than two million. In New York alone, as of January 2008, “2,821 women were
incarcerated in New York’s prisons—about 4.5% of the state’s total prison
population of 62,577.” “More than 65 percent of women in state prisons and
55 percent of men in state prisons report being parents of children under 18.”
-“About 64 percent of mothers in state prisons lived with their children before
prison, compared to 44 percent of men.”

-“About 40 percent of women in state prisons were employed fulltime prior to
their arrest, compared with 60 percent of men.”

-“Nearly 30 percent were receiving public assistance before arrest, compared
to 8 percent of men. About 37 percent had incomes of less than $600 per
month prior to arrest, compared to 28 percent of men.” ~Rea



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