35,093 vets were left without medical as…


Dublin Core


35,093 vets were left without medical as…


35,093 vets were left without medical assistance

According to an internal document obtained by media, 35,093 combat
veterans are being denied health care enrollment by the Department of
Veterans Affairs because of a computer system error. The vast majority of
these combat vets served in Afghanistan and Iraq. About 19,000 of them have
been pending one month and five years and about 16,000 have been pending
for more than five years. It is known that after five years vets lose their
eligibility for free health care. Moreover approx. one-third of 847,000 vets with
pending applications for health care had already died.

Well, this story Clearly demonstrates what value for the state the life of a man
willing to sacrifice means. In fact the government doesn’t care about its
soldiers, even if they are heroes. This confirms that the government’s
slapdash attitude to the recording vets system left more than 35,000 veterans
without medical assistance. And how many of them died before the error in
the database was revealed! A truly disgusting attitude to our soldiers!



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