The threat of possible ISIS attacks on t…

Dublin Core


The threat of possible ISIS attacks on t…


The threat of possible ISIS attacks on the US. Military families has risen

US. Senator Cory Gardner, a Republican from Colorado said in a statement
that he was alarmed by the reports of an FBI alert that relatives of the US
military personnel in Wyoming and Colorado were harassed outside their
homes by Middle Eastern men and might have been under surveillance. A
copy of the alert said that the wife of a US. military member was approached
in front of her home in Colorado by two men. The incident took place in May.
Similar incidents in Wyoming repeated in June.

We see that the threat of possible ISIS attack on families of the US. military
has risen. And when the threat is so real the US intelligence agencies are
doing nothing. As a matter of the fact they don’t fully perform their duties.
First of all, the US security forces should take all appropriate measures to
identify people who scour after the wives and Children of the US. Military.
Secondly, families of the US. Military should be taken under special
protection of the police and the FBI. If even one hair of the US. Military family
members will be lost then the work of American secret services isn’t worth a
dime as they cannot maintain security on the American soil. In case of a
negative scenario there won’t be any need in their work. And this will be the
final nail in the coffin of the American secret services.

Let’s remember the last FBI and NSA failures, such as failure to stop the
Boston Marathon Bombings and so on. Our soldiers fight for America at the
other end of the world and they deserve that their families should be kept



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