Wonder Woman comes from an island popula…


Dublin Core


Wonder Woman comes from an island popula…


Wonder Woman comes from an island populated exclusively by women, so
there’s no doubt in our minds she is a supporter of the LGBT community.
And of course this world always need an amazing power of woman’s touch :-)

Isn’t it just amazing? Wonder Woman presides over the wedding of two
brides in Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman, Chapter 48 written

and illustrated by Jason Badower.
Badower said he also really wanted to reference current affairs in the story -

specifically, legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide.

"I saw this Wonder Woman story as an incredible opportunity to have one of
the most recognizable, iconic Characters in the world to be among the first to
step forward and officially endorse this new law," he said. "I thought, let's not
just have Wonder Woman embrace this new law, let's have her celebrate it."

Some may ask — why is it so important when superheroes depicted as
supporters of marriage equality? Because it is a massive, land-mark

milestone in LBGTQ rights history.

Because the fight to get to normal was so difficult, and because the fight to
Change normal is still ongoing. Just like Wonder Woman using her
superpowers to struggle with violence and injustice of the world! :-)

#wonderwoman #superheroes #marriageequality #gaymarriage #Iesbian



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