On the first anniversary of Robin Willia…


Dublin Core


On the first anniversary of Robin Willia…


On the first anniversary of Robin Williams’ death, I want to remember his
most influential LGBT roles throughout his acting career.

The 63-year-old comedian, who had struggled with depression, died by
suicide on August 11 2014.

His widow Susan Schneider said at the time of his death: “As he is
remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on Robin’s death, but on the
countless moments ofjoy and laughter he gave to millions.”

Even at home, Williams exhibited acceptance for the LGBT community with
his trademark playfulness.

While he denied rumours about being gay, he had no qualms about
discussing the sexuality of his pet pug.

He said: “I also have a gay rescue pug called Leonard. He has a boyfriend
and they are planning to adopt a Siamese kitten together. We’re very

When the Westboro Baptist announced its intentions to picket his funeral, pro-
LGBT organisation Planting Peace raised over $40,000 for St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital — one of Williams’ favourite Charities.

Robin Williams played many different roles in so many people’s lives, and
giving back to others was at the top of that list... We will never forget you. And
we'll always love you...



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