It is a symbol of patriots who were will…

Dublin Core


It is a symbol of patriots who were will…


It is a symbol of patriots who were willing to die in order to protect this country
and to make sure it has remained as the founders intended.

South Carolina governor calls for removal of Confederate flag from
statehouseGovernor Nikki Haley makes abrupt about-face in wake of
Charleston killings to call for removal of flag that has flown on statehouse
grounds for 50 years

The Confederate flag represents heritage, not hate. The war that is called the
"Civil War" was actually the "War for Southern Independence". This is our
history and our heritage. Just because certain groups have used the
confederate flag in hate related crimes or racism does not make the southern
flag racist.

Now it is used to show heritage and pride from the south showing that they
have been strong and have overcome what has happened to them over time.



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