The Chinese hackers executed a complex a…

Dublin Core


The Chinese hackers executed a complex a…


The Chinese hackers executed a complex attack that gave them
“administrator privileges” into the computer networks at the Office of
Personnel Management, mimicking the credentials of people who run the
agency’s systems. They began siphoning out a rush of data after
constructing what amounted to an electronic pipeline that led back to China,
investigators told Congress last week in classified briefings.

Much of the personnel data had been stored in the lightly protected systems
of the Department of the Interior, because it had Cheap, available space for
digital data storage. The administration is urgently working to determine what
other agencies are storing similarly sensitive information with weak
protections. Officials would not identify their top concerns, but an audit issued
early last year, before the Chinese attacks, harshly criticized lax security at
the Internal Revenue Service, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the
Energy Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission — and the
Department of Homeland Security, which has responsibility for securing the
nation’s critical networks. It's not Clear who is held liable for security hole.

What do you think the hacker attack will affect U.S. — Chinese relations?



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