Why do immigrants think that the US. gov…


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Why do immigrants think that the US. gov…


Why do immigrants think that the US. government should create good
conditions for them? I think immigrants should prove that they are deserved to
stay in the United States. Why should we give a Citizenship to those who
cannot give something good for the nation?

The worst thing is that illegal immigrants who broke the law to live in the
United States demand ask for indulgences. What nonsense! Illegals should
be deported from the country invariably.

But Obama’s administration is tied to the chariot of immigrants. Democrats
know that immigrants will vote for the Democratic party. Especially former
illegals. That’s why Barack Obama tries to give the Immigration Amnesty to
illegals as soon as possible. It will allow to increase a number of votes for a
Democratic Party presidential candidate in 2016.

And democrats don’t care about the fact that most of immigrants will become
welfare recipients, increasing unemployment rate. America doesn’t need
immigrants, democrats do. What’s more important: to win Presidential
elections in 2016 or to make America better? Democrats seem to Choose first
option. That’s what differs republicans from democrats.



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