Dublin Core
Controversy surrounding the flag only he…
Controversy surrounding the flag only heats animosity among Americans. And
it is becoming dangerous.
So, a family from Moseley, Virginia was threatened at gunpoint for waving the
Confederate flag on their own private property on Monday night. While the
family was expressing their First Amendment right by waving the flag in their
own driveway next to a busy highway. A man driving an SUV pulled into the
driveway, took out his gun, chambered a round, pointed it at the family.
“He slammed on the brakes and when he got right beside me, he pulled out a
gun, chambered a round and told me my cause wasn’t worth anything now,”
Mark Wilson said.
When one spits upon the law because he thinks that it’s amoral, it is
beginning a chaos. Liberals want to ban a confederate flag because slavery
was in the 18th and 19th centuries. They don’t want to understand that
slavery was legal in many countries of the world, but nobody wants to ban a
flag of England or France.
Activists and groups like the NAACP are also calling for statues and
monuments to Confederate leaders to be demolished, including the carving at
Stone Mountain, the largest bas relief sculpture in the world. Some are even
demanding that Washington, DC be renamed in the name of political
correctness because George Washington owned slaves.
Liberals actually want to destroy American history and culture. Americans
should be guided by the law, because sometimes moral is not Clear. If
somebody thinks that the Democratic party is amoral, nobody demands to
eliminate the party.
Continue to stay for the First amendment! Let’s stop the Chaos!
it is becoming dangerous.
So, a family from Moseley, Virginia was threatened at gunpoint for waving the
Confederate flag on their own private property on Monday night. While the
family was expressing their First Amendment right by waving the flag in their
own driveway next to a busy highway. A man driving an SUV pulled into the
driveway, took out his gun, chambered a round, pointed it at the family.
“He slammed on the brakes and when he got right beside me, he pulled out a
gun, chambered a round and told me my cause wasn’t worth anything now,”
Mark Wilson said.
When one spits upon the law because he thinks that it’s amoral, it is
beginning a chaos. Liberals want to ban a confederate flag because slavery
was in the 18th and 19th centuries. They don’t want to understand that
slavery was legal in many countries of the world, but nobody wants to ban a
flag of England or France.
Activists and groups like the NAACP are also calling for statues and
monuments to Confederate leaders to be demolished, including the carving at
Stone Mountain, the largest bas relief sculpture in the world. Some are even
demanding that Washington, DC be renamed in the name of political
correctness because George Washington owned slaves.
Liberals actually want to destroy American history and culture. Americans
should be guided by the law, because sometimes moral is not Clear. If
somebody thinks that the Democratic party is amoral, nobody demands to
eliminate the party.
Continue to stay for the First amendment! Let’s stop the Chaos!
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