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We both fight the same system and we both will win in the future. Indigenous
black Civilisations of America and our Civilisations were ruined by the same
gabachos. And we both are growing in numbers, even whitewashed statistic,
and officials prove…
He's 20, in his fifth semester of physics, and NASA has already recruited him
as a student-researcher. His name is Yair Israel Pina Lopez, and he's the
youngest student with this distinction. He is Mexican and an UNAM student.
Your mom knows what to do
The truth hurts, but we must face it.
It's a sad fact, but the most of Black men regard women of other race
romantic and beautiful.

Believe me you, Black men, we got the most beautiful, romantic and attractive
females under the sun.

Value 3 Black…
Cuteness overload

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These girls gonna break hearts! Absolutely beautiful!
Absolutely stunning little baby girl with a beautiful smile straight from the
heart! Children with special needs matter!
This is just precious. Absolutely the best feeling ever!
Unstoppable Black King! Determination is the key to success.