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  • Tags: racial tensions
Videoblog about social issues of Black America The Reality is 7 black
Churches attacked by white people in the last week! But The Media Is Dead
Silent About It. What is going on in America? Williams&Kalvin
Cop Block is committed to highlighting the double standard often granted to
those in uniforms and with badges. We do this by raising awareness and
providing support to victims of police abuse and other related institutional
injustice. Follow us! Cop…
New-York City. Staten Island. October 22. National Day of Protest to stop
Police Brutality. The day when everyone must stand up for their rights in the
City where "We can't breath" movement was created after Eric Garner's death.

Mr. Garner and his…
Montgomery County middle school kids have tasted the outrage of the public
after a video of them Chanting racist words went viral on Facebook; further
deepening the agony of racism in schools today. Montgomery County middle
school kids have tasted…
Your help is needed. This case is a classic example of racial profiling in the
system which has cost innocent Jerome Smith 31 years of his life already and
can cost even more. Jerome must be brought home. No one pays attention to

him, no one fights…