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  • Tags: gun
Yesterday and the day before yesterday and many days before that, we had
to witness horrible crimes committed by the police against Black men. The
killing of AI Never Forget Never July 16th, 1 pm.

Washington Square Park, NYC Blackluive
August 9, 2016, marks a two—year anniversary of the brutal murder of Michael
Brown, an 18- Rally In Memory Of Mike Brown
This short video shows the bloody scuffle that took place during the forceful
arrest of a homeless man Terre Johnson.

SPREAD THIS LIKE WILDFIRE, if you believe #BlaCkLivesMatter !

Full story: http://goo.g
Let's say stop to police brutality! We must be against racism of all kinds and
make a strong and peaceful responce to these!
How many more black men have to be killed until the government realizes
that it's time to Justice For Philando Castile
It's not about who is "good" and "bad" it's about what is right!
We run this community because we care...
We want to grow and not being shot! Join us!