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- Tags: gender
It's really sad she have died too soon. …
Williams, Simone Biles and many other African American athletes Florence
Griffith Joyner expanded horizons of human capabilities!
#blackexcellence #blackperfection #blackbeauty…
Tags: Black Excellence, brown, famous person, gender, Joy, photograph, race, racial identities, racial tensions, red
Racists couldn't handle first Black woma…
president in American University After the first Black woman became student
government president bananas were found hanging on American University
campus Bananas Found Hanging On…
Tags: Anger, BM, Fear, gender, green, photograph, race, racial tensions, yellow
Ah indigenous woman will be running for …
hasn't have an indigenous president since Benito Juarez and that was over
130 years ago. The indigenous communities that are part of the National
Indigenous Congress…
Tags: blue, Brown Power, common folks, foreign policy, gender, green, indigenous, photograph, race, racial identities, red, redacted, Surprise, text, voting
Congratulations, beautiful Queens!
You can achieve any goals if you really believe in yourself. Just motivate
Tags: black, BM, common folks, gender, graduation, green, Joy, photograph
Watch Black students whose school banned…
Twin sisters, Deanna and Mya Cook, 15, were barred from prom, suspended
from sports, and have to serve double detention as punishment for wearing
hair extensions to school,…
Tags: Anger, BM, common folks, gender, photograph, race, racial identities, text, white, yellow
Mexicans know how to conquer the heart o…
Tags: black, Brown Power, common folks, gender, Love, photograph, race, racial identities, white
The only thing that separates women of c…
opportunity." -Vio
Tags: black, BM, famous person, gender, Joy, Love, photograph, popular culture, race, racial identities, self-made man [person], white
The three-time Emmy-winning Choreographe…
Grey‘s Anatomy Debbie Allen is 67-years-old and she is still teaching dance
Classes. The three-time Emmy-winning Choreographer, actress, executive
Tags: black, Blacktivist, famous person, gender, Joy, race, racial identities, video, white