Team MARKUP: Encoding Frankenstein for the Shelley-Godwin Archive
Posted by in Spring 2012 | Uncategorized - (7 Comments)This post was collaboratively written by the UMD members of Team MARKUP. Individual credits follow the section titles in parentheses.
Team MARKUP evolved as a group project in Neil Fraistat’s Technoromanticism graduate seminar (English 738T) during the Spring 2012 term at the University of Maryland, augmented by several students in the “sister” course taught by Andrew Stauffer at the University of Virginia. The project involved using git and GitHub to manage a collaborative encoding project, learning TEI and the use of the Oxygen XML editor for markup and validation, and the encoding and quality-control checking of nearly 100 pages of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein manuscript (each UMD student encoded ten pages, while the UVa students divided a ten-page chunk among themselves). In what follows, Team MARKUP members consider different phases of our project. (more…)