Student and Young Scholar Bursaries

As part of its commitment to promote the development and application of digital methods in humanities scholarship, each year ADHO awards up to TEN bursaries to students and young scholars who are members of an ADHO constituent organization and who have had papers or posters accepted for presentation at the annual Digital Humanities conference.

The purpose of the bursary is to assist students and young scholars to attend the annual Digital Humanities conference, to encourage them to make a contribution to scholarship in the digital humanities, and to promote the involvement of outstanding young scholars in the application of information and communications technologies in humanities research.

Bursaries are intended to cover expenses incurred in attending the conference (including travel, lodging, the conference fee, and meals not covered by the conference fee) up to 500 GBP. A student applicant must be enrolled for full- or part-time study at a recognized institution of higher education. To qualify as a “young scholar,” an applicant must be age 30 or less, or otherwise justify consideration as a new participant in the field. Both paper and poster submissions are eligible for consideration. A participant in a multi-authored submission is eligible for an award if he or she has contributed substantially to the paper/poster and will take significant part in its presentation. Recipients must be individual subscribers to ADHO’s official print journal, Literary and Linguistic Computing, and thereby members of one of the constituent organizations. This may be certified with the subscripton number from the journal wrapper. Uncertified subscriptions must be resolved before winners are announced.

A review panel will choose award recipients based on the applicants’ submission abstracts, information from the application forms, reviewer comments, and evaluations as deemed necessary to make a confident decision.

To apply for a 2009 Bursary, please visit

The Application deadline is March 31. Winners will be notified by April 30,
2009. If you have questions about the 2009 Bursary Award, please email Matthew L. Jockers, 2009 Bursary Award Committee Chair.

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