When You Arrive on Campus
Homebase for the conference will be located in the Colony Ballroom on the second floor of the Stamp Student Union on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park. The registration desk will be just outside the Ballroom, and the posters, book tables, coffee breaks, and other displays will all take place inside that room.
When you arrive, you’ll either be coming via bus to the Stamp Student Union bus slip or via car, most likely to the Union Lane Garage. From the slip, the Union will be located across Campus Drive to your right. From the garage, the Union is located across Union Lane. Here’s a interactive version of the campus map with a printable PDF, which will also be included in your registration packets.
We will be running a shuttle service Monday night through Thursday afternoon from the local College Park hotels to the Stamp Student Union bus slip. You can view the schedule here, and a copy is included in your packet.