A Maske
Represented before the right
hoble: the Earle of Bridgewater
Lord president of Wales and the
right hoble: the Conntesse of
At Ludlow Castle the
29th of September 1634
The chiefe persons in the reprsentacon were./
The Lord Brackley
The Lady Alice}
Mr Thomas}
Author Jo: Milton.
A Maske./
The first sceane discovers a wild wood, then a guardian spiritt
or demon descendes or enters./
From the heavens nowe I flye
and those happy Clymes that lye
Where daye never shutts his eye
up in the broad field of the skye./
There I suck the liquid ayre
all amidst the gardens fayre
Hesperus and his daughters threethat singe about the goulden tree./
there eternall summer dwells
and west wyndes with muskye winge
about the Cederne allyes flinge
Iris there with humid bowe
waters the odorous bankes that blowe
Flowers of more mingled hew
then her purfld scarfe can shew
yellow, watchett, greene & blew
and drenches oft wth Manna dew
Beds of Hyacinth and Roses
where many a Cherub soft reposes./
Before the starrie threshold of Ioves Courte
my Mansion is, where those immortall shapes
of bright
of bright aereall spiritts live inspheard
in regions mylde of Calme and Cerene ayre
above the smoake and stirr of this dim spott
wch men call earth, and wch low-thoughted Care
Confinde and pestered in this pinfold heere
strive to keepe vp a fraile & fevourish beeinge
vnmindfull of the Crowne that vertue gives
after this mortall change to her true servants
amongst the enthroned gods, on sainted seats
yet some there be that with due stepps aspire
to laye their Iust hands on that goulden keye
that opes the pallace of Æ:
To such my errand is, and but for such,
I would not soile theese pure ambrosiall weedes
wth the ranke vapours of this sin-worne moulde
but to my task; Neptune besides the swaye
of everie salte flood, and each ebbinge streame
tooke in by lott, twixt high and neather Iove
imperiall rule of all the Sea-girt Isles
that like to rich and various gems in laye
the vnadorned bosom of the deepe
wch he to grace his tributarie Gods
by cous Course committs to seurall goverment
and gives them leave to weare their saphire Crownes
and weild weild their little tridents; but this Isle
the greatest and the best of all the Maine
he quarters to his blew haired dieties,
and all this tract that fronts the fallinge sunn
a noble Peere of mickle trust and power
has in his Chardge, wth tempred awe to guyde
an ould and haughty nacion, proude in armes
where his faire ofspringe nurst in princely love
are cominge to attend their fathers state
and newe entrusted scepter, but their waye
lies through the perplext paths of this dreare wood,
the noddinge horror of whose shadie browes
threats the forlorne and wandringe passinger
and heere their tender age might suffer perill
but that by quick commaund from soveraigne Iove
I was dispatcht, for their defence and guard
and listen why, for I will tell you now
what never yet was heard in tale or songe
from old or moderne bard in hall or bowre
Bacchus that first from out the purple grapes
crusht the sweete poyson of mis-vsed wyne
after the Tuscane manners transformed
coastinge the Tyrrhene shore, as the winds listed
on Circes Island fell (whoe knows not Circe
the daughter of the Sunn, whoes charmed Cup
whoe ever tasted lost his vpright shape
and downeward fell into a grovelinge Swyne.)
This nimphe that gazed vpon his clustringe locks
wth Ivye berries wreath'd, and his blith youth
had by him, ere he parted thence a sonne
much like his father, but his mother more,
wch therfore she brought vp and Comus nam'd,
whoe ripe and frolick of his full growne age,
roavinge the Celtick, and Iberian fields
at last betakes him to this ominous wood,
and in thick shelter of black shades imbowr'd,
excells his mother at her mightie arte,
offringe to everie weary travaller
his orient liquor in a Christall glasse
to quench the drouth of Phebus, wch as they taste
(for most doe taste through fond intemperate thirst)
soone as the potion workes their humane Countenance
th'expresse resemblance of the Gods, is chang'd
into some brutish forme of Wolfe, or Beare,
or ounce, or Tiger, Hogg, or bearded goate,
all other parts remayninge as they were
and they soe perfect is their miserie,
not once perceive their fowle disfigurement
but boast themselves more comly then before,
and all their freinds, and native home forgett
to rowle wth pleasure in a sensuall stie
Therefore when any favour'd of high Iove
chaunces to pass through this advent'rous glade,
swift as the sparcle of a glauncinge starre
I shoote from heaven, to give him salfe convoy
as nowe I doe: but first I must put off
these my skye webs, spun out of Iris wooffe,
and take the weeds, and likness of a Swayne
that to the service of this house belongs
whoe wth his softe pipe,and smooth dittied songe
well knows to still the wild winds when they roare,
and hush the wavinge woods, nor of less faith
and in this office of his mountaine watch
likeliest and neerest to the prsent ayde,
of this occasion, but I heare the tread
of hatefull stepps, I must be viewles nowe./
Comus enters wth a charminge rod in one hand & a
glass of liquor in the other wth him a route of
monsters like men & women but headed like wild beasts
their apperell glist'ringe, they come in makinge a riotous
and vnruely noise wth torches in their hands./
Co: The starr that bids the shepheard fold
now the top of Heaven doeth hold,
and the gilded Carr of daye
his glowinge axle doeth allaye
in the steepe Atlantique streame
and the slope sun his vpward beame
shoots against the Northerne Pole
pacinge toward the other goale
of his Chamber in the East
meane-while welcome, Ioye & feast,
midnight shoute, and revelry
tipsie daunce and Iollitie,
braide yor locks wth rosie twine
droppinge odours, droppinge wine
Rigor now is gone to bed,
and advice wth scrupulous head,
strict age, and sowre severitie
wth their grave sawes in slumber lye
Wee that are of purer fire
imitate the starrie quire
whoe in their nightly watchfull sphears
leade in swift round the months & years,
the sounds and seas with all their finnie drove
nowe to the moone in waveringe morrice move,
and on the tawny sands and shelves
trip the pert fairies, and the dapper Ealves
by dimpled brooke, and fountaine brim
the wood nimphs decte with daisies trim
their merry wakes & pastimes keepe
what hath night to doe with sleepe
Night hath better sweets to prove
Venus now wakes, and wakens love,
Come let vs or rights begyn
tis only day light that maks sin
wch these dun shades will neere report
haile goddess of nocturnall sport
darke-vayld Cotitto, whome the secret flame
of mid night torches burne misterious dame
that neere art call'd, but when the dragon woombe
of stigian darknes, spetts her thickest [] gloome,
and makes one blot of all the aire,
staye thy cloudie Ebon chaire
wherin thou rid'st with Hecatt' and befriend
vs thy vow'd preists till vtmost end
of all thy dues be done, & none left out
ere the blabbinge Easterne scoute
the nice morne on the Indian steepe
from her Cabin'd loopehole peepe,
and to the tell tale sun descrie
our Conceal'd solempnitie,
come knitt hands & beate the ground
in a light fantastick round./
The measure in a wild, rude, & wanton Antick./
Co: Breake of, breake of, I feele the different pace
of some chast footinge, neere about this ground
run to yor shrouds wthin these brakes & trees/
they all scatter
our number may affright; some virgin sure
(for soe I can distingwish by myne arte)
benighted sure in these woods, now to my Charms
and to my wilie traynes, I shall ere longe
be well stockt with as fayre a heard as graz'd
abouts my mother Circe, thus I hurle
my dazlinge spells into the spungie aire
of powre to cheate the eye with bleare illusion
and give it false presentments, least the place,
and my quainte habitts breede astonishment
and put the damsell to suspitious flight,
wch must not be, for thats against my course,
I vnder fayre prtence of freindly ends
and well plac't words of gloweinge Curtesie
bayted with reasons not vnplausible
winde me into the easie harted man,
and hug him into snares. when once her eye
hath met the vertue of this magick dust
I shall appere some harmles villager
whome thrifte keeps vp about his Countrie geare
but heere she comes, I fayrely step aside
and hearken if I may her businesse heere
The lady enters
La This waye the noise was, if my eare be true
my best guyde nowe, me thought it was the sound
of riott and ill-manag'd merriment
such as the iocund flute or gamesome pipe
stirrs vp amonge the rude loose vnlettered hindes
when for their teeminge flocks and granges full
in wanton daunce they praise the bounteus Pan,
and thanke the Gods amisse, I should be loath
to meete the rudenes, and swill'd insolence
of such late wassailers; yet o where els
shall I acqauinte informe my vnacquainted feete
in the blinde mazes of this tangled wood,
my brothers when they sawe me wearied out
with this longe waye, resolvinge heere to lodge
vnder the spreadinge favour of these pines,
stept as they s'ed, to the next thickett side
to bringe me berries, or such coolinge fruite
as the kynde hospitable woods provide
but where they are, and whye they come not back
is now the labour of my thoughts, tis likeliest
they had ingaged their wandringe stepps too farr
and envious darknesse ere they could retorne
had stolne them from me./
I cannot hallowe to my brothers, but
such noise as I can make to be heard fardest
I'le venture, for my new enliv'n'd speritts
prompt me, and they perhaps are not farr hence,
Songe /
Sweete Echo, sweetest nymphe that liv'st vnseene
within thy ayrie shell
by slow Meanders margent greene
and in the violett imbroderd vale
where the love-torne nightingale
nightly to thee her sad song mourneth well,
Canst thou not tell me of a gentle payre
that likest thy Narcissus are
O if thou have
hid them in some flowrie Cave
tell me but where. /
Sweete Queene of parlie, daughter to the spheare
soe maystthou be translated to the skyes
And hould a Counterpointe to all heav'ns harmonies
Comus looks in & speakes
Co: Can any mortall mixture of Earths mould
breath such divine enchauntinge ravishment
sure somethinge holye lodges in that brest
and with these raptures moves the vocall ayre
to testifie his hidden residence
how sweetely did they floate vpon the wings
of silence, through the empty vaulted night,
at every fall smoothinge the raven downe
of darkness till she smil'd: I haue oft heard
my mother Circe with the Sirens three
amidst the flowrie-kyrtled Niades
cullinge their potent herbs and balefull druggs
whoe when they sung, would take the prisond soule
and lap it in Elisium, Scilla wept
and chid her barkinge waves into attention
and fell Caribdis murmurd soft applause
yet they in pleasinge slumber lulld the sence
and in sweete madnes rob'd it of it selfe,
but such a sacred and homefelt delight
such sober certentie of wakinge bliss
I never heard till now, Ile speake to her
and she shalbe my Qweene; Haile forreigne wonder
whome certaine these rough shades did never breede
vnless the goddess that in rurall shrine
dwel'st heere with Pan, or Silvan, by blest song
forbiddinge every bleake vnkindly fogg
to touch the prosperinge growth of this tall wood
La: Nay gentle Shepheard, ill is lost that praise
that is addrest to vnattendinge eares
not any boast of skill, but extreame shifte
how to regayne my severd Companye
Compeld me to awake the Curteus Echo
to give me answer from her massy Couch
Co: What Chaunce good lady hath bereft you thus?
La: dym darknesse and this leavye laborinth
Co: Could that devide you from neere vsheringe guydes?
La: they left me weary on a grassie terfe
Co: by falsehood, or discurtesie, or why?
La: to seeke in the valley some coole freindly springe
Co: and lefte yor fayer side, all vnguarded ladye?
La: they were but twaine & purposd quick returne,
Co: perhaps forestallinge night prvented them
La: how easie my misfortune is to hit!
Com: imports their losse, beside the prsent neede?
La: noe lesse then if I should my brothers loose
Co: were they of manly prime, or youthfull bloome?
La: as smooth as Hebes their vnrazor'd lipps.
Co: Two such I sawe, what tyme the labour'd oxe
in his loose traces from the furrowe came
and the swink't-hedger at his supper sate,
I sawe em vnder a greene mantlinge vyne
that crawles alonge the side of yon smale hill
pluckinge ripe clusters from the tender shoots,
their porte was more then humane as they stood,
I tooke it for a faerie vision
of some gaye creatures of the Element
that in the cooleness of the raynebow live
and playe i'th plighted clouds; I was awe-strooke
and as I past I worship't: if those you seeke
it were a Iorney like the path to heav'n
helpe you finde them; La: gentle villager
what readiest waye would bringe me to that place?
Co: due west it rises from this shrubbie pointe,
La: to finde out that good shepheard I suppose
in such a scant allowance of starr light
would overtaske the best land pilots arte
wthout the sure guesse of well-practiz'd feete;
Co: I knowe each lane, and every Alley greene,
dingle, or bushie dell, of this wide wood,
and everie boskie bourne from side to side
my daylie walks and antient neighbourhood
and if yor straye attendance, be yet lodg'd
or shroud wthin these lymitts, I shall know
ere morrowe wake, or the lowe rooster larke
from her thatcht palat rowse, if otherwise
I can conduct you ladie, to a lowe,
but loyall cottage, where you may be safe
till furder quest; La: Shepheard I take thy word
and trust thy honest offer'd Curtesie
wch ofte is sooner found in lowly sheds
with smoakie rafters, then in tap'strie halls
and Courts of princes, where it first was nam'd,
and yet is most prtended, in a place lesse w
lesse warranted then this, or lesse secure
I cannott be, that I should fear to change it
Eye me blest providence, and square my tryall
to my proportion'd streingth; shepheard leade on.
The two brothers
El: bro Vnmuffle yee fainte starrs, and thou faier moone
that wonst to love the travailers benizon
stoope thy pale visadge through an amber cloude
and disinherit Chaos, that raignes heere
in double night of darkness, and of shades
or if yor influence be quite damm'd vp
wth black vsurping mists, some gentle taper
though a rushe candle, from the wicker hole
of some claye habitacion visite vs
wth thy long levell'd rule of streaming light
and thou shalt be or star of Arcady
or Tirian Cynosure: 2 bro: or if or eyes
be barr'd that happines might we but heare
the folded flocks pen'd in their watled cotes
or sound of pastorall reede with oaten stopps
or whistle from the lodge, or village Cock
count the night watches to his featherie dames
t'would be some solace yet, some little cheeringe
in this lone dungeon of inumerous bows,
but O that haples virgin or lost sister
where may she wander nowe? whether betake her
from the chill dewe, amongst rude burrs & thistles
perhaps some could banke is her boulster nowe,
or gainst the rugged barke of some broade Elme
leanes her vnpillow'd head fraught wth sad feares
or els in wild amazement and affright,
soe fares as did forsaken Proserpine
when the bigg rowling flakes of pitchie clouds
and darkness wound her in: El bro: peace brother peace
I doe not thinke my sister soe to seeke
or soe vnprincipl'd in vertues booke,
and the sweete peace that goodness bosoms ever
as that the single want of light and noise
(not beinge in danger, as I hope she is not)
could stirr the constant mood of her calme thoughts
and put them into misbecoming plight
vertue could see to doe what vertue would
by her owne radiant light, though sun & moone
were in the flatt sea sunke, and wisdoms selfe
of seeks to sweete retired solitude
where, wth her best nurse contemplacion
she plumes her feathers, and letts grow her wings
that in the various bustle of resorte,
were all to ruffl'd and sometyms impayr'd
he that has light within his owne cleere brest
may sit i'th Center, and enioye bright daye
but he that hides a dark sowle, & foule thoughts
walks in black vapours, though the noone tyde brand
blaze in the summer solstice. 2 bro: tis most true
that musinge meditacion most affects
the pensive secrecie of desert Cell
farr from the cheerefull haunte of men or heards,
she might be free from perill where she is,
but where an equall poise of hope, & feare
does arbitrate th'event, my nature is
that I encline to hope, rather then feare,
and gladly banish squint suspition,
my sister is not soe defencelesse left
as you immagine brother, she has a hidden strength
wch you remember not, 2 bro: what hidden strength?
vnless the strength of heav'n, if you meane that?
El: bro I meane that too: but yet a hidden strength
wch if heaven gave it, may be tearm'd her owne,
tis Chastitie, my brother Chastitie
she that has that is clad in compleate steele,
and like a quiver'd nimphe with arrowes keene,
may trace huge forrests, and vnharbour'd heaths
infamous hills, and sandie perrilous wildes,
where through the sacred rayes of Chastitie
noe salvage, feirce, bandite, or mountaneere
will dare to soile her virgin puritie,
yea even where, very desolacion dwells
by grots, & caverns sh[ag] shag'd wth horrid shades
and yawninge denns, where glaringe monsters house
she may pass on wth vnblensh't maiestie
be it not done in pride or /in\ prsumption
naye more noe evill thing that walks by night
noe goblinge, or swarte fayrie of the mine
has hurtefull power ore true virginitie,
doe you beleeve me yet, or shall I call
antiquitie from the ould schooles of Greece
to testifie the armes of Chastitie,
hence had the huntress Dian her dread bow
faire silver shafter Qweene, for ever chast
wherewith she tam'd the brinded Lyonesse
and spotted mountaine Pard, but sett at nought
the frivolous bolt of Cupid, Gods and men
feard her sterne frowne, & she was Qweene o'th'woods
what was that snakie headed Gorgon sheild,
the wise Minerva wore, vnconquer'd virgin
wherewith she freezed her foes to congealed stone?
but rigid lookes of chast awsteritie
and noble grace that dasht brute violence
with sudden adoracon, and blanke awe
soe deere to heav'n is sainctly Chastitie
that when a sowle is found cinceerely soe
a thousand liveried Angells, lackey her
drivinge farr of, each thing of sin, & guilte
and in cleer dreame and solemne vision
tell of her of things that noe grosse eare can heare
till oft converse with hevenly habitants
begins to cast a beame on th'outward shape
the vnpolluted temple of the mynde
and turnes it by degrees to the souls essence
till all be made immortall, but when lust
by vnchast lookes, loose gesturs, and foule talke
and most by lewde and lascivious act of sin
letts in defilement to the inward partes,
the soule growes clotted by contagion,
imbodies, and imbruts till she quite loose
the divine propertie of her first beeinge,
such are those thick, & gloomie shadowes dampe
oft seene in Charnell vaults, and sepulchers,
hoveringe and sittinge by a new [] made grave
as loath to leave the bodye that it loved
< P>and linc'kt it selfe by carnall sensualitieto a degenerate, and degraded state./
2 bro: How charminge is divine philosophie
not harshe and crabbed as dull fooles suppose
but musicall as is Appolloes lute
and perpetuall feast of Nectard sweets
where noe crude surfeit raignes, El: bro: list, list, I heare
some farr of hollowe breake the silent ayre
2 bro: me thought soe too what should it be, el: b: for certaine
either some one like vs night founderd heere
or els some neyghbour woodman, or at worst,
some roavinge robber, callinge to his fellowes;
2 bro heav'n keepe my sister: agen, agen, & neere
best drawe, & stand vpon or guard, el: bro: Ile hallowe
if he be freindly he comes well, if not
defence is a good Cause, and heav'n be for vs
he hallowes
and is answered, the guardian dæmoncomes in habited like a shepheard./
El: bro: That hallowe I should knowe, what are you speake,
come not too neere, you fall on Iron stakes els
Dae: What voice is that? my young Lord? speak agen.
2 bro: O brother tis my fathers shepheard sure
el: b: Thirsis? whose art full streynes haue oft delayed
the hudlinge brooke to heere his madrigall
and sweetned every muskerose ofthe dale,
how camst heere good shepheard, hath any ram
slipt from the fould, or young kyd lost his dam
or straglinge weather the pent flock forsooke
how couldst thou finde this darke sequesterd nooke?
De: O my Lov'd masters heire, and his next Ioye
I came not heere on such a triviall toye
as a strayed Ewe, or to pursue the stealth
of pilferinge wolfe, not all the fleecie wealth
that doeth enrich these downes is worth a thought
to this my errand and the Care it brought./
but O my virgin lady where is she
howe chaunce she is not in yor Companie?
el: bro: To tell thee sadly shepheard, wthout blameor our neglect wee lost her as wee came,
De: Ay me vnhappie then my feares are true./
el: bro: what feares, good Thirsis prthee briefly shewe
De: Ile tell you, tis not vayne, or fabulous,
(though soe esteem'd by shallowe ignorance)
what the sage poets, taught by th- heav'nly muse
storied of old in high immortall verse
of dire Chimeras and enchanted Isles
and rifted rocks, whose entrance leads to hell
for such there be, but vnbelief is blinde,
within the navill of this hidious wood
immured in Cipress shades a sorserer dwells
of Bacchus and of Circe born, greate Comus
deepe skild in all his mothers witcheries
and heere to everie thirstie wanderer
by slye enticemt gives his banefull Cup
with many murmurs mixt, whose pleasinge poyson
the visage quite transformes of him that drinkes
and the inglorious likeness of a beast
fixes insteed, vnmouldinge reasons mintage
charactred in the face, This have I learnt
tendinge my flocks, hard by i'th hillie flocks Crofts
that browe this bottome glade, whence night by night
he and his monstrous route are heard to howle
like stabled wolves, or tigers at their preye
doeinge abhorred rites to Heccate
in their obscured haunts of inmost bowers,
yet have they many baites and guylefull spells
to invegle and invite the vnwarie sence
of them that pass vnweetinge by the waye,
this eveninge late, by then the chewinge flocks
had tane their supper on the savorie herbe
of knot grasse dew-besprent and were in fold,
I sate me downe to watch vpon a banke
with Ivie Cannopied and interwove
with flauntinge hony sucle, and began
wrapt in a pleasinge fitt of melencholy
to meditate my rurall minstrelsie
till fansie had her fill, but ere a close
the wonted roare was vp amidst the woods
and filld the aire with barbarous dissonance
at wch I ceast, and listned them a while
till an vnvsuall stop of suddaine silence
gave respite to the drowsie frighted steeds
that drawe the litter of close-curtain'd sleepe
at last a sweete, and solemne breathinge sound
rose like a softe steame of rich distill'd perfumes
and stole vpon the aire, that even silence
was tooke ere she was ware, & wisht she might
deny her nature and be never more
still to be soe displac't, I was all eare
and took in th streines that might create a sowle
vnder the ribbs of death. but O ere long
two well I might perceive, it was the voice
of my most honour'd lady, yor deere sister
amaz'd I stood, harrow'd with greife, & feare,
and O poore hapless nightingale thought I
how sweete thou singst, how neere the deadly snare,
then downe the lawnes I ran, wth headlonge hast
through paths and turnings, often trod by daye,
till guyded by myne ear, I found the place
where that damn'd wizard hid in slye disguise
(for soe by certaine signes I knowe) had met
alreadie eare my best speede could prvent,
the aideless innocent ladie his wisht prey
whoe gently askt if he had seene such two,
supposinge him some neighbour villager,
longer I durst not stay, but soone I guest
yee were the two she meant, wth that I sprung
into swift flight, till I had found you heere
but furder know I not; 2: bro: O night & shades
how are you ioyn'd with hell in triple knott
against the vnarmed weaknes of one virgin
alone, and helpeless, Is this the confidence?
you gave me brother? el: bro: yes & keepe it still
leane on it salfly, not a period
shalbe vnsai'd for me, against the threats
of malice, or of Sorcerie, or that powre
wch erringe men call chaunce this I hould firme
virtue may be assail'd but never hurte
surpris'd by vniust force, but not enthrall'd,
yea even that wch mischiefe meant most harme
shall in the happie triall prove most glorie,
but evill on it selfe shall back recoyle
and mixe noe more with goodnesse, when at last
gather'd like scum, and setl'd to it selfe
it shalbe in eternall restless change
selfe fed, and selfe consum'd, if this fayle
the pillard firmament is rottennesse
and earth's base built on stubble. but come lets on:
against the opposinge will, and arme of heav'n
may /neur\ this iust sword be lifted vp,
but for that damn'd magitian, let him be girt
with all the grisley legions that troope
vnder the sootie flagg of
Acheron,Harpies, & Hidraes, or all the monstrous buggs
twixt Africa, and Inde, I'le finde him out
and force him to restore his purchase back
or drag him by the Curles, and cleave his scalpe
downe to the hipps, Dem: Alas good ventrous youth
I love the Courage yet, and bold emprise,
but heere thy sword can doe thee little stead
farr other armes, and other weopons must
be those that quell the might of hellish Charmes,
he with his bare wand can vnthred thy ioynts,
and crumble all thy sinewes, El: bro: why pre'thee shepheard
how durst thou then thy self approach soe neere,
as to make this relacon; Dem: Care, & vtmost shifts
how to secure the lady from surprisall,
brought to my mynd a certaine shepheard lad
of smale regard to see to, yet well skill'd
in every verteus plant, and healinge herbe
that spreades her verdant leafe to th'morninge ray,
he lov'd me well, and oft would begg me singe,
wch when I did, he on the tender grasse
would sit, and hearken even to extasie
and in requitall open his leatherne scrip,
and shew me simples of a thousand names
tellinge their strange, and vigorous faculties,
amongst the rest, a smale vnsightly roote
but of divine effect, he cull'd me out
the leafe was darkish, and had prickles on it,
he call'd it Hemony, and gaue it me
and bad me keepe it as of soveraigne vse
gainst all enchauntmts, mildew blast, or dampe,
or gastlie furies apparition,
I purst it vp, but little reckoninge made
till now that this extremitie compell'd,
but now I finde it true, for by this meanes
I knew
I knew the fowle Enchaunter, though disguis'd,
entered the very lymetwiggs of his spells
and yet came off, if you have this about you
(as I will give you when wee goe) you may
boldly assaulte the Negromancers hall,
where if he be, with dauntlesse hardy-hood
and brandisht blade rushe on him, breake his glasse
and shed the lussious liquor on the ground,
but cease his wand, though he and his curst crew
fierce signe of battaile make, and menace high
or like the sonns of Vulcan vomitt smoake
yet will they soone retire, if he but shrinke.
El: bro Thirsis leade on apace, I followe thee
and some good Angell beare a shield before vs.
The Sceane changes to a stately pallace set out wth all mannr
manner of delitiousness, tables spred with all dainties
Comus apperes wth his rabble, and the lady set in an
inchauntedchayre, to whome he offers his glasse
wch she puts by, and goes about to rise./
Co: Nay ladye sit, if I but wave this wand
your nerves al are all chain'd vp in alablaster
and you a statue, or as Daphne was
roote bound, that fled Apollo, La: foole doe not boast
thou canst not touch the freedome of my mynde
with all thy charmes, although this corporall rind
thou hast immanacl'd, while heav'n sees good,
Co: Whye are you vext ladie, why doe you frowne
heere dwell noe frownes, nor anger, from these gates
sorrowe flies farr, see heere be all the pleasures
that fancie can begett on youthfull thoughts
when the fresh blood grows lively, and returnes
briske as the Aprill budds in primrose season.
and first behould this cordiall Iulep heere
that flames, and dances in his christall bounds,
with spiritts of baulme, and fragrant sirrops mixt;
Not thatNepenthes wch the wife of Thone
in Egipt gave to Iove-born Hellena
is of such power to stirre vp Ioye as this
to life, soe freindly, or soe coole too thirst,
poore ladie thou hast neede of some refreshinge
that hast been tired aldaye without repast,
a timely rest hast wanted. heere fayre Virgin
this will restore all soone; La: t'will not false traytor
twill not restore the trueth and honestie
that thou hast banisht from thy thoughts tongue wth lies,
was this the Cottage, and the safe aboade
thou touldst me of? what grim aspects are these?
these ougley headed Monsters? Mercie guard me,
hence with thy brewd enchauntmts, fowle deceaver
were it a drafte for Iuno when she banquetts
I would not taste thy treasonous offer, none
but such as are good men, can give good things
and that wch is not good, is not delitious
to a well-govern'd and wise appetite,
Co: O foolishnes of men, that lend their eares
to thosebudge doctors of the Stoick furr
and fetch their prcepts from the Cinick tub
praisinge the leane, and shallow abstinence.
wherefore did nature power her bounties furth
with such a full, and vnwithdraweinge hand,
coveringe the earth with odours, fruits and flocks
throngeing the seas with spawne innumerable
but all to please, and sate the Curious tast,
and set to worke millions of spinninge wormes
that in their greene shopps, weave the smoote-haired silke
to deck her sonns, and that noe corner might
be vacant of her plentie, in her owne loynes
she hutch't th'all worshipt oare, and pretious gems
to store her children with, if all the world
should in a pet of temperance, feede on pulse
drinke the cleere streame, and nothinge weare but freeze
th'allgiver would be vnthank't, would be vnprais'd
not halfe his riches knowne, and yet despis'd
and wee should serve him as a grudgeinge Master,
as a penurious niggard of his wealth
and live like natures bastards, not her sonns,
whoe would be quite surcharg'd wth her own waite
and strangl'd with her wast fertillitie,
th'earth cumberd, and the wing'd ayre dark'd wth plumes
the heards would over multitude their Lords
the sea orefraught would swell, and th'vnsaught diamonds
would soe emblaze with starrs, that they belowe
would growe enur'd to light, and come at last
to gase vpon the sunn with shameles browes.
La: I had not thought to have vnlockt my lipps
in this vnhallowed ayre, but that this Iugler
would thinke to charme my Iudgement, as my eyes
obtrudinge false rules prank't in reasons garbe.
I hate when vice can boult her arguments
and vertue has noe tongue to check her pride.
Impostor do not thinke charge most innocent nature
as if she would her children should be riotous
with her abundance, she good Chateresse
means her provision onely to the good,
that live accordinge to her sober lawes,
and holy dictate of spare temperance.
If every Iust man that now pynes with want
had but a moderate and beseeminge share
of that wch leudly-pamper'd luxurie
now heap's vpon some fewe, with vast excesse
natures full blessinge, would be well dispenst
in vnsuperfluous even proportion,
and she noe whit encomberd with her store:
and then the giver would be better thank't
his praise due payed, for swinish gluttonie
neere looks to heav'n, amidst his gorgeous feasts
but wth beesotted base ingratitude
crams, and blaspheames his feeder, Co: Come, noe more
this is meere morrall babble, and direct
against the Canon lawes of our foundacion
I must not suffer this; yet tis but the lees
and setlinge of a mellancholy bloud,
But this will cure all streite, one sip of this
will bath the droopinge spiritts in delight
beyond the blisse of dreames. be wise, and tast;
The brothers rushe in with swords drawne, wrest his glasse
of liquor out of his hand, and breake it against the ground
his rowte make signe of resistance, but are all driven in,
the Demon is to come in with the brothers./
De: What have yee left the false Inchaunter scape?
O yee mistooke, yee should have snatcht his wand,
and bound him fast, without his rod reverst
and backward mutters of disseveringe power
wee cannot free the lady that sitts heere
in stonie fetters fixt and motionlesse.
yet staye, be not disturb'd, nowe I bethinke me
some other meanes I haue that may be vsed
wch once of Millebeus old I learnt
the soothest shepheard that ere pipt on playnes
There is a gentle Nimphe not farr from hence
that wth moist Curbe, swayes the smoote seaverne streame,
Sabrina is her name, a virgin pure,
whilome she was the daughter of Locrine
whoe had the scepter from his fathe Brute.
she guiltless dam'sell flyinge the mad persuite
of her enraged stepdame,Gwendolen
commended her faire innocense to the floud,
that stayed her flight with his Crosse floweinge course,
the water nimphs that in the bottom played
held vp their peackled wrists, and tooke her in
bearinge her straite to aged Nereus hall
whoe piteous of her woes, reard her lanke head
and gave her to his daughters to imbath
in nectar'd lavers, strewd with Asphodill
and through the portch and inlet of each sence
dropt in abrosiall oyles, till she revived
and vnderwent a quick immortal change
made goddess of the River. still she retaines
her maiden gentleness, and ofte at Eve
visitts the heards alonge the twilight meadowes
helpinge all vrchin blasts, and ill luck signes
that the shrewd medlinge Elfe delights to make,
for wch the shepheards at their festivalls
Carroll her goodnes loud in rustick layes
and throwe sweete garland wreaths into her streame
of pancies, pinkes, and gaudy daffadils.
and, as the owld swayne said, she can vnlock
the claspinge Charme, and thawe the numminge spell
if she be right invok'd in warbled songe:
for maydenhood she loves, and wilbe swifte
to ayde
to ayde a Virgin such as was her selfe
(in hard besettinge neede) this will I trie
and add the power of som adiuringe verse./
Sabrina faire
listen where thou art sittinge
vnder the glassie, coole, transelucent wave
in twisted braides of lillies knitting
the loose traine of thy Amber-droppinge haire;
listen for deere honours sake
Goddess of the silver lake
listen & save./
The verse to singe or not.
listen and appere to vs
in name of greateOceanus,
by th'earth-shakinge Neptunes mace,
and Tethis grave maiestick pace,
el br: by hoarie Nereus wrincled looke,
and the Carpathian wizards hooke,
2 bro: by scalie Tritons windinge shell,
and ould sooth-sayinge Glaucus spell,
el br: by Lewcotheas lovely hands,
and her sonne that rules the strands,
2 br: by Te[h] Thetis tinsel-slipperd
and the songs of sirens sweete,
el br: by dead Parthenopes deare tombe,
Ligeas golden Combe,
wherewith she sitts on diamond rocks,
sleekinge her soft allueringe locks,
De: By all the Nimphes of nightly daunce,
vpon thy streames with wilie glaunce,
rise, rise, and heave thy rosie head,
from thy Corall paven bed,
and bridle in thy headlonge wave,
till thou or summons answered have,
Listen & save.
rises attended by water nimphesand sings./
By the rushie fringed banke
where growes the willow, and the Osier danke
my slydinge Charriott stayes,
Thick sett with Agate, and the Azur'd sheene
Of Turkiss blew, and Emerald greene
that in the Channell strayes,
Whilst from of the waters fleete
thus I rest my printles feete
ore the Couslips head
that bends not as I tread
gentle swayne at thy request
I am heere
Amphitrites bower
Sabrina descends and
the lady rises out
of he seate./
De: Virgin daughter of Locrine
sprung of owld Anchises lyne,
may thy brimmed waves for this
their full tribute never misse
from a thousand pettie rills
that tumble downe the snowie hills
Summer, drouth, or singed aire
never scortch thy tresses fayer
nor wett Octobers torrent floud
thy molten Cristall fill with mud
may thy billowes rowle a shoare
the &beryll and the goulden Oare
may thy loftie head be Crownd
with many a towre, and terrace round
and heere and there thy banks vpon
with groves of mirhe and Cynamon.
songe ends./
el br: Come lady will /sister\ while
heav'n lends vs grace
let vs fly this cursed place
least the Sorcerer vs intice
wth some other newe device,
not a wast, or needles sound
till wee come to holier ground
De: I shalbe yor faithfull guide
through this gloomie Covert wide,
and not many furlongs thence
is yor fathers residence,
where this night are met in state
many a friend to gratulate
his wisht prsence, and beside
all the swaynes that neere abide
with Iiggs, and rurall daunce resorte
wee shall catch them at their sporte,
and our suddaine Cominge there
will double all their mirth, and cheere,
el br: come let vs hast the starrs are high
but night sitts Monarch, yet in the mid skye
The sceane changes then is prsented Ludlow towne
and the Presidents Castle, then come in Countrie
daunces, and the like &c, towards the end of those
sports the demon with the 2 brothers and the
ladye come in. the spiritt singes./
Back shepheards, back, enough yor playe
till next sunshine holy daye
heere be without duck, or nod
other trippings to be trod
of lighter toes, and such court guise
as Mercurie did first devise
with the mincinge Driades
on the lawnes, and on the leas
2 songe prsents them to their father & mother./
Noble Lord and Lady bright
I have brought yee new delight
heere behould soe goodly growne
Dæmon singes or sayes./
Now my taske is smoothly doneI can flye or I can run
quickly to the earths greene end
where the bow'd welkin slow doeth bend,
and from thence can soare as soone
to the Corners of the Moone
Mortalls that would follow me
love vertue, she alone is free
she can teach you how to clyme
higher then the sphearie chime
or if vertue feeble were
Heven it selfe would stoope to her