Items (35 total)

The Apple IIe motherboard, Revision B.

This joystick typically connects to the IIe or IIc systems through a 9-Pin connector.

Applied Engineering's RamWorks memory expansion card, Revision D, for the Apple IIe. The card provides up to 1 MB of RAM expansion with 80 column text support.

The Disk II Drive Controller Card, located inside the Apple IIe computer and fitted into one of its seven slots.

The two full-height 5¼-inch floppy disk drives of the Disk II Drive Subsystem. These are early models manufactured by Shugart Drives.

The 5¼-inch floppy disk drive subsystem includes the disk drives and interface card installed in the computer. The drives were designed by Steve Wozniak. The drives read single-sided disks.

The interface card contains the Apple DOS 3.3 software,…

The Apple Monitor II. A green phosphor, 12" monochrome CRT monitor with a NSTC resolution.

The Hayes Micromodem II card, missing the external microcoupler.

A copy card for Apple II-type systems. This allowed the dumping of all memory contents to a floppy disk at the press of a button which was attached to the card, and was designed to allow owners of copy-protected software to create backup copy.

The Apple IIe computer.

The Apple IIc computer.