Items (35 total)

An internal 300 baud modem. Internal 300 baud modems were sold as a peripheral to the Osborne 1, and were installed in the left floppy disk storage bay.

The Osborne 1 portable computer system.

This model has the "Screen Pac" upgrade, provided by Osborne, which adds an RCA connector to facilitate an external monitor connection, while also adding 80-column display support, up from the default…

Apple User Input Report form, control number 2281039.

Apple User Input Report form, control number 3423034.

Apple User Input Report form, control number 3876194.

Apple User Input Report form, control number 3003613.

Apple Computer Business Reply for accessories and software, printer Evergreen Business Forms, blank customer copy attached.


The packing list for the Apple IIe 80-Column text card.

Apple IIe Packing List
