Topic Modeling

Speaker Videos

The first video covers introductions from the workshop’s sponsors MITH and the NEH ODH, via Neil Fraistat, Jen Guiliano, and Jen Serventi; Matthew Jockers presenting on literary topic modeling with “Thematic Change and Authorial Innovation in the 19th Century Novel”; and Robert Nelson on historical topic modeling with”Analyzing Nationalism and Other Slippery ‘Isms’”.

Topic Modeling Workshop: Jockers and Nelson from MITH in MD on Vimeo.

The second video covers Jo Guldi and Christopher Johnson-Roberson’s presentation “Paper Machines: A Tool for Analyzing Large-Scale Digital Corpora”

Topic Modeling Workshop: Guldi and Johnson-Roberson from MITH in MD on Vimeo.

The third video covers David Mimno’s presentation “The details: how we train big topic models on lots of text”.

Topic Modeling Workshop: Mimno from MITH in MD on Vimeo.