Twitter Handle: @lmrhody
Website: http://lisa.therhodys.net
Bio: I am a PhD candidate in English at the University of Maryland. My dissertation "Ekphrastic Revisions: Verbal-Visual Networks in 20th Century Poetry by Women" revises existing models of ekphrastic poetry--poetry to, for, and about the visual arts. Using network analysis and topic modeling, I suggest new methods of approaching the "sister arts" that include contributions by women, not as outliers, but as central to the genre's tradition and canon. I was a MITH Winnemore Dissertation Fellow in Spring 2012, and my previous DH experience includes 4 years of site management for Romantic Circles and 3 years on the internal advisory board of MITH, as well as working with the Dickinson Electronic Archive. Currently, I coordinate communications and events for the newly established Potomac Center for the Study of Modernity thepotomaccenter.org.