All meetings will take place in the MITH conference room in the basement of McKeldin Library at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Thursday, January 20th @ MITH
- 8:30-9am Coffee, bagels, and muffins
- 9-10 Introduction (Doug & Tanya)
- 10-11 Discussion of initial proposal
- 11-12 Round table presentations: established centers
[Julia Flanders, Neil Fraistat, Bethany Nowviskie, Tom Scheinfeldt, Kay Walter] - 12-1pm Lunch on your own
- 1-2 Round table presentations: emerging centers
[Brian Croxall, Steve Jones, Suzanne Lodato, Paul Marty, David Miller, Mark Tebeau] - 2-3 Round table presentations: hiring and promotion
[Laura Mandell, Steve Olsen, David Seaman, John Unsworth, Kay Walter] - 3-4 “Off the Tracks” recommendations: Audience? Goal? Structure?
- 4-5 Plans for next day
- 6:30 Dinner at Franklin’s
Friday, January 21st @ MITH
- 8:30-9am Coffee, bagels, and muffins
- 9-10 Recaps (Doug & Tanya)
- 10-12 Small group discussion
- 12-1pm Lunch on your own
- 1-2 Group reports
- 2-3 Final steps and concluding remarks