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14 Sep 2015

Digital Humanities Incubator (2012 – 13)

By |2019-01-15T10:28:12-05:00Sep 14, 2015|

The Digital Humanities Incubator is a program intended to help introduce University faculty, staff, and graduate assistants to digital humanities through a series of workshops, tutorials, “office hours,” and project consultations. Through a series of workshops and exercises, this first phase of the Incubator in 2012-13 concentrated on working with UMD Libraries faculty and staff exclusively. The program offered a model for nurturing digitally engaged, research-intensive librarianship, and also contributed directly to librarians’ ability to act as subject liaisons with faculty.

12 Aug 2015

Digital Directions

By |2019-05-14T12:19:22-04:00Aug 12, 2015|

Over three consecutive summers between 2001 and 2003, MITH worked with the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Maryland to organize Digital Directions, three separate one-week, intensive seminar for high school students to explore the use of technology in the arts and humanities. Digital Directions aimed to provide enrichment for high school students by exploring the interdisciplinary nature of technology and its cutting edge application in the fields of arts and humanities.

8 Jul 2015


By |2019-01-15T10:28:34-05:00Jul 8, 2015|

In Fall 2000, the University of Maryland School of Music voted unanimously to begin offering its Masters of Ethnomusicology program in a combined residential/online program with the goal of targeting students in Latin America and Spain through courses taught primarily in Spanish. Former MITH Faculty Fellow Carolina Robertson, who eventually worked on the Narratives That Heal project, collaborated with MITH on the development of the online learning environment for this Distributed Learning Masters, making Spain/Online an early 'MITH Affiliate.' 

4 Jun 2015

The Barnwell/Robinson Family Archives

By |2019-08-14T12:11:51-04:00Jun 4, 2015|

This was the MITH Networked Associate Fellowship project of Ysaye Maria Barnwell, a renowned musician, composer, actress teacher and choral clinician in African American cultural performance. Barnwell's project aimed to produce a multimedia digital presentation about her family, which eventually became the Ellis Barnwell Robinson Archives. The fellowship also provided support for Barnwell to prepare materials for an exhibit with the potential for traveling, and to prepare materials for inclusion in a book of photos and letters.

4 Jun 2015

International Virtual Potluck

By |2017-02-05T21:25:35-05:00Jun 4, 2015|

This was a MITH Fellows Project of American Studies professor Jo Paoletti. The Intercultural Virtual Potluck featured a Virtual University of Maryland South Campus Dining Hall in order to research various aspects of racial, sexual, and ethnic tensions in human interaction. This project was part of a much larger project Paoletti worked on during and after her fellowship time at MITH, entitled The Intercultural Learning Center (ICLC), one of the first online digital pedagogical resources and online learning environments in the early days of distance learning.

4 Jun 2015

Summit Meeting for Planning a Coalition of Digital Humanities Centers

By |2019-01-15T10:29:29-05:00Jun 4, 2015|

Funded by a grant from the NEH, the purpose of this meeting was respond to the ACLS Cyberinfrastructure Commission’s call for digital humanities centers to become key nodes of cyberinfrastructure in the United States. The summit was especially concerned with assessing the value of and the desire for greater collaboration and communication among the centers; among the funders; and between both groups.

7 Apr 2014

Digital Humanities Incubator (2013 – 14)

By |2019-01-15T10:29:58-05:00Apr 7, 2014|

The Digital Humanities Incubator is a collaboration between MITH and the University Libraries intended to help introduce University of Maryland faculty, staff, and graduate assistants to digital humanities through a series of workshops, tutorials, “office hours,” and project consultations.

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