The Sound of Public Humanities and its Oscillatory Accessibility

In 1913, Robert Frost declared his aim to “be a poet for all sorts and kinds.” By and large, Frost remains one of the beloved [...]
In 1913, Robert Frost declared his aim to “be a poet for all sorts and kinds.” By and large, Frost remains one of the beloved [...]
Containers may be used to store information—their structures bundle together our data in discrete, lightweight, and economical units. We know that physical containers like paper [...]
Due to its unique geography, Puerto Rico is at the forefront of climate catastrophe. In theory, Puerto Rico’s devastating experiences should provide nations around the [...]
We will present initial results on two computational projects on Medieval Hebrew manuscripts. The first, Sofer Mahir, applies an HTR (handwritten text recognition) pipeline constructed [...]
The word “glitch,” meaning a small voltage variance that can short out a circuit, entered the English language through radio hobbyists and was popularized by [...]
Several important reports and studies have made us aware of the dismal practices of inclusion in the film industry. By drawing on extensive bodies of [...]
This presentation traces the conceptualization and production of the dc 1968 project, an ambitious digital storytelling project designed to transform public memory and scholarship about [...]
What connects Open Source Software development, scholarly edition making, Linked Open Data, and Digital Sustainability? All of them rely our human capacity for managing fine [...]
Many years after the idea of a digital humanities galvanized different genealogies of humanistic practice around the world, most institutions in North America have by [...]
Gilles Deleuze has written that movement is a translation in space. In this talk I use this distinction as a framework for critical reflection on [...]