Kishonna Gray Digital Dialogue

As racial projects, video games legitimize white masculinity and hegemonic ideology through the ‘othering’ process. This is performed via pixelated minstrelsy by depicting Black [...]
As racial projects, video games legitimize white masculinity and hegemonic ideology through the ‘othering’ process. This is performed via pixelated minstrelsy by depicting Black [...]
** NOTE - We've listened to your requests, and are extending the deadline for STS submissions to Monday March 6th by 9:00am EST. ** The [...]
Our most respected newspapers want their stories to be accurate because once the words are on paper, and the paper is in someone’s hands, there’s [...]
MITH’s Spring 2017 Digital Dialogues season is about to get underway! Starting two weeks from today with Kishonna Gray from MIT and Harvard, we have SEVEN amazing [...]
This is the fourth in series of blog posts by 2016-17 Winnemore Digital Dissertation Fellow Avery Dame on the progress of his dissertation, “Talk Amongst [...]
This is the third in series of blog posts by 2016-17 Winnemore Digital Dissertation Fellow Avery Dame on the progress of his dissertation, “Talk Amongst [...]
MITH is accepting nominations for potential speakers for our Digital Dialogues series in the Spring 2017 semester. Digital Dialogues is MITH’s signature events program, held [...]
This is the second in series of blog posts by 2016-17 Winnemore Digital Dissertation Fellow Avery Dame on the progress of his dissertation, “Talk Amongst [...]
Patterns in literary scholarship suggest that serious considerations of a literary period do not fully begin until at least a generation after its emergence. [...]
MITH is thrilled to announce that we will be offering two courses in the spring as part of the new interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate Digital Studies [...]