On October 15, 1966, Bobby Seale and Hue…


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On October 15, 1966, Bobby Seale and Hue…


On October 15, 1966, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton have founded BPP.
Their idea was simple - we can't just talk to make the Change, we must take
action. They started to monitor the behavior of police officers and Challenge
police brutality in Oakland, California. And they succeeded. Unfortunately, the
government and especially Federal Bureau of Investigation called the party
"the greatest threat to the internal security of the country". They tried to Close
it, to incarcerate BPP's participants, and in 1982 the original party was

50 years have passed since BBP's foundation, but the situation in the country
stills the same. Cops are shooting Blacks. lt spreads through all the country
like the disease. Nowadays we need Black Panthers as never before. We
need a strong hand that can protect us, that can keep our people safe, that
can make Black Lives really matter.

Let's get together and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the party that has
made the Change. Let's honor its founders and participants. Let's share their
ideas and ideals! Black Panther Party 50th Anniversary



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