America has always been hinged on hard-w…

Dublin Core


America has always been hinged on hard-w…


America has always been hinged on hard-working people. If you remove jobs,
you’ll remove our country from the world map. The state of Pennsylvania
rose owing to multiple enterprises mining coal, producing steel, and creating
the need for otherjobs, groceries, doctors, dentists, insurance, gas, vehicles,
mechanics and the list goes on. As far as Mr. Trump pursues the goal of
creating more jobs and supports the working Class. He said he would put
miners back to work. We could help Mr. Trump win Pennsylvania which is a
battleground state. We’d like to organize a rally “Miners for Trump” in
Have something against coal industries? Please note then that burning coal is
not more harmful than lumber. Alternative energy is only possible when
subsidized by government for it is not lucrative. You cannot leave tens of
thousands of people without a job just because of lobbyists’ interests.

The current list of locations is being elaborated. Suggested Cities are Erie,
Pittsburg, Scranton, Harrisburg, Allentown, and Philly.

Confirmed locations:
Marconi Plaza, Philadelphia. Miners for Trump: Unity clay in Pennsylvania



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