Hillary Clinton made new promises to ext…


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Hillary Clinton made new promises to ext…


Hillary Clinton made new promises to extend our traitor President Obama’s
pro-immigration policy. She also promised to offer illegals residency and “a
path of citizenship”. During the debate on 8th March she was asked about

Clinton said: “I would not deport Children. I do not want to deport family
members either. I want to, as I said, prioritize who would be deported: violent
criminals, people planning terrorist attacks, anybody who threatens us. That’s
a relatively small universe.” Oh wonderful, so she admits she wants to be the
second Obama, like the first one isn’t enough. And we know what’s behind
this world “Children” — young men who Claim to be less than 18. Same way
the “illegals without a criminal record” is also those who are not proved to be
criminals yet.

Crossing the US. border without permission is already a crime. A crime that
should bring just one simple punishment — deportation and a prohibition of
further entrance. We do not need a president who doesn't understand that.
We do not need a president who forgives this kind of crime. We do not need



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