Most parents aren’t prepared for the wor…

Dublin Core


Most parents aren’t prepared for the wor…


Most parents aren’t prepared for the words, “Mom, Dad. I’m gay.” For many
parents first reaction probably will be “How will I ever handle this?” The
answer is simple and difficult at the same time: love and acceptance will help
to understand your Child’s sexuality and its meaning to you and your
continued relationship with your son or daughter.

Some parents feel they would have been happier not knowing about their
Child’s sexuality. They look back to before they knew and recall this time as
problem-free — overlooking the distance they often felt from their child during
that time.

Sometimes parents try to deny what is happening — by rejecting what they're
hearing (“It’s just a phase; you’ll get over it”); by shutting down (“If you
Choose that lifestyle, I don’t want to hear about it”); or by not registering the
impact of what we’re being told (“That’s nice, dear, and what do you want

for dinner?”).

Such denial often prove as a traumatizing experience for LGBT Children. If
you as a parent 'll pretend to forgot the truth about your child’s sexuality, you
would never really know your Child. A large part of his or her life would be kept
secret from you, and you would never really know the whole person.

It is important to accept and understand your child’s sexuality because
homosexuality and bisexuality are not a phase. While people may experiment
for some time with their sexuality, someone who has reached the point of
telling a parent that he or she is gay is not usually going through "a phase".

On the contrary, he or she has given long and hard thought to understanding
and acknowledging his or her sexual orientation. So if you’re wondering, “ls
she/he sure?” the answer will almost always be “yes”!


#Children #lgbt #momdadimgay #gayisok #oomingout #aoceptance



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