Do you seriously believe God will judge …

Dublin Core


Do you seriously believe God will judge …


Do you seriously believe God will judge someone for loving a person of same
sex, but will not judge you for hating someone you have never met?

A Kentucky Clerk who defied a federal judge's order to issue marriage
licenses and turned away four gay couples has until Monday to convince the
judge to delay his mandate.

US. District Judge David L. Bunning rejected Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis'
Claim that her Christian faith should exempt her from issuing marriage
licenses to same-sex couples and ordered her on Wednesday to hand out the
licenses. But her office kept denying them.

Interesting what would happen if I walked up to my boss and said I refuse to
the job I am being paid for today? Let me think... guess I would stand in the
unemployment line!

Herjob is not to participate in gay weddings!! All she has to do is confirm that
the paperwork is correct! She should be fired, fined and Charged with
contem pt of court!



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