We have a method in place called, don't …


Dublin Core


We have a method in place called, don't …


We have a method in place called, don't vote these morons into office!

Passing the “First Amendment Defense Act” introduced by Sen. Mike Lee
has been anti-LGBT oonservatives’ top priority since the Supreme Court
brought marriage equality to all 50 states. It’s part of the National
Organization for Marriage’s post-Obergefell plan and Republican presidential
candidate pledge, and the Family Research Council mentions it almost daily.
Lee joined NPR this week to defend the bill, basically admitting that all it does
is enable anti-gay discrimination.

Lee framed his concern as one about the government discriminating against
religious institutions — for discriminating against people in same-sex
marriages. It’s the latter he wants to allow by ensuring that the government
never penalizes any religious institution that refuses to recognize a same-sex
couple’s marriage, or employ them, house them, or serve them.

Mr. Lee, you are ridiculous! You're just going to have to get over that fact that
we have full Federal Civil rights now. Or don't! We will go on happily living our
lives while you froth at the mouth and throw a fit because we're being treated
equally under the law!



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