On October 26,2016, a black man was slam…


Dublin Core


On October 26,2016, a black man was slam…


On October 26,2016, a black man was slammed and beaten by police officers
at the train station.

According to a witness, the man who was arrested had originally been driving

across the light rail tracks, when officers on foot attempted to stop his car, at
which point, he drove off.

He added that the man “wasn’t resisting at all until they tased him”

After tasing the man police officers used their elbows and fists, as the man lay
on the ground, screaming for help.

The man was heard screaming in pain: “My fucking back is killing me! Oh
god! My back!”
In a statement, released on November 2, Minneapolis Police Department

confirmed the arrest, but said that a fuller video would show that the officers’
conduct was justified.



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