We're proud to announce an initiative focused on providing free legal
education to empower our people and strengthen our community.
We urge our City to continue to support and defend our immigrant
communities and their families. Immigrants and…
We're proud to announce an initiative focused on providing free legal
education to empower our people and strengthen our community.
We urge our City to continue to support and defend our immigrant
communities and their families. Immigrants and…
How can we be illegal on our own land? The United States unfairly took from
Mexico what is now the Southwest of the country in the Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo that ended the Mexican-U.S. War. The ceded territory included what
is now Texas, New…
Real Mexican-American pride. Respect!
FYI: The three largest Hispanic groups in the United States are the Mexican-
Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans.