breakfast/registration (pick up badges @ MITH, the basement level of McKeldin Library in room B0131)
Introduction (Dave Lester @digitalhumanist and Neil Fraistat @fraistat)
Presentation, Raymond Yee (@rdhyee): APIs: What they are and why they matter to digital humanities?
- Pro Web 2.0 Mashups, by Raymond Yee (New York: Apress, 2008) [online : Amazon : Google Books]
- “A central question of this book is, how can both nontechnical end users and developers recombine data and Internet services to create something new for their own use for and for others? Although this book focuses primarily on XML, web services, and the wide variety of web applications, I’ll also cover the role played by desktop applications and operating systems.”
- Flickr API services
- “The Flickr API is available for non-commercial use by outside developers. Commercial use is possible by prior arrangement.”
- Example: “flickr.photos.search”
- “Return a list of photos matching some criteria. Only photos visible to the calling user will be returned. To return private or semi-private photos, the caller must be authenticated with ‘read’ permissions, and have permission to view the photos. Unauthenticated calls will only return public photos.”
- “API Explorer : flickr.photos.search” — a Web form to demonstrate how such a search would be constructed
- Screenshot of the XML that such a search returns
- http://geocoder.us
- MASHUP 1: GoogleDocs spreadsheet can import an xml file and then parse it and display stats
- e.g. Flickr stats: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?hl=en&key=pYxyro01gAliOiPb4eYr9Rw&hl=en#gid=0
- “The programmability of Google spreadsheets has increased quite a bit, comparable to MS Excel.”
- MASHUP 2: Amazon Wishlist + Google Spreadsheet
coffee break
Presentation, Peter Keane (@pkeane): REST in the design, use, and documentation of Web APIs
- “If it is on the web, HTTP is the API”
- “REST help us understand and take advantage of that”
- REST: Representational State Transfer
- Roy Fielding’s dissertation: “Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures” http://ow.ly/43otc
- Amazon.com: Restful Web Services (9780596529260): Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby, David Heinemeier Hansson: Books http://ow.ly/43oHW
- Amazon.com: RESTful Web Services Cookbook: Solutions for Improving Scalability and Simplicity (9780596801687): Subbu Allamaraju: Books http://ow.ly/43oJV
- Library of Congress: Authorities & Vocabularies: http://id.loc.gov/
Presentation, Mano Marks (@ManoMarks): Google Fusion Tables
- Mano Marks, Senior Developer Advocate at Google.
- Google Fusion Tables: @GoogleFT
- Google Maps API: @GoogleMapsAPI
- Presentation slides: http://goo.gl/zn1BA
- Fusion Tables from Google Labs
- “Fusion Tables is a service for managing large collections of tabular data in the cloud. You can upload tables of up to 100MB and share them with collaborators, or make them public. You can apply filters and aggregation to your data, visualize it on maps and other charts, merge data from multiple tables, and export it to the Web or csv files. You can also conduct discussions about the data at several levels of granularity, such as rows, columns and individual cells.”
- Shape to Fusion
- “This website lets you import a shapefile to Google Fusion Tables. This blog post has some details on how it was built. For this to work, you will need to authorize this site to access your Fusion Tables data on your behalf.”
- Google Faculty Research Awards
- “The purpose of this program is to facilitate more interaction between Google and academia and also nurture stronger relations and partnerships with universities.”
- Open DataKit
- App Inventor for Android
- “Create apps for your phone! Creating an App Inventor app begins in your browser, where you design how the app will look. Then, like fitting together puzzle pieces, you set your app’s behavior. All the while, through a live connection between your computer and your phone, your app appears on your phone.”
lunch/lightning talks
reflecting on presentations/unconference planning
- Room 7121:
- Room 7113: “Building/Using APIs for Social Networking Data”
- Special Events Room: “Interested in Maps & API’s?” with @ManoMarks
- MITH Conference Room:
Coffee Break
- Room 7121: How to use an HTTP client
- Room 7113: Natural User Interfaces (NUI): “deep(er) exploration of how gesture-based interfaces transform what data is, can be.”
- Special Events Room: “APIs for Library Data”
- MITH Conference Room: API swap meet
wrap-up in McKeldin 6137
mashery hAPI hour at Marriott
Breakfast in McKeldin 6137
Presentation, George Oates (@openlibrary)
Presentation, Kirrily Robert (@skud) (Mano Marks filled in for Kirrily Robert, who was unable to present.)
- Google’s Freebase
- “An entity graph of people, places and things, built by a community that loves open data.”
- The Freebase Blog
lunch break/lightning talks
- Recollection
- Corpora Space
- Museum APIs
- Geocomons
- Cavewriting: spatial hypertext
- Scripto
- New audiences – rural broadband
- Room 7121: APIs in grant-funded projects
- Room 7113: Hacking bibliographic metadata
- Special Events Room: Transcription/Translation
- MITH Conference Room:
- Room 7121: Connecting Drupal to web APIs
- Room 7113: Executable Scholarship
- Special Events Room: Authoring a Collection API
- MITH Conference Room: API swap meet
wrap-up in McKeldin 6137