Petticoats on the plain

[00:19 - 00:24]
With the lonely skies shoving down on his shoulders and the dust of a continent
[00:24 - 00:28]
taking his throat he left his brand on the front tier of our history
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eyes squinted ahead into savagery. Civilization dogging his heels
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and we give him to you who can take him straight. The American
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[00:40 - 00:51]
As you know prayer and you know why that is so every
[00:51 - 00:56]
cowhand on this range can stop and jangle past their home and they don't turn up
[00:56 - 01:01]
high. But let me put one foot in any one of those horrid little creatures
[01:01 - 01:03]
and they bark their throats.
[01:03 - 01:08]
Oh now Cindy honey it's just your new noise to a prairie dog. You
[01:08 - 01:13]
chemists we swish in by a nose still petticoats are yours. Well asked is naturally going
[01:13 - 01:14]
to get on their nerves.
[01:14 - 01:26]
Radio television the University of Texas presents the American Council. A
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series of programs reflecting the true place and picture of the significant historical
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figure in this unique folky of the American cowboy is
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produced and recorded by radio television the University of Texas under a grant from the
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National Educational Television and Radio Center in cooperation with the National
[01:45 - 01:47]
Association of educational broadcasting.
[01:47 - 02:15]
Today I programmed petticoats on the play.
[02:15 - 02:18]
Wats the matter Miss Laura. That end of the piece.
[02:18 - 02:20]
No no it isn't.
[02:20 - 02:25]
But I hope you're not stopping on our account. We boys was enjoying that. It pleasures
[02:25 - 02:27]
mildly if you go on a plane.
[02:27 - 02:30]
Well I will if you'll hand me that hat.
[02:30 - 02:35]
This here as it were drawn but that's a large bucket SAT which cheese is welcome to
[02:35 - 02:39]
is she can be but dated a might big for you mention are not wearing it for
[02:39 - 02:40]
[02:40 - 02:43]
I'm trying to keep that bat away from me.
[02:43 - 02:46]
You mean that little feller that flew in the door a while ago.
[02:46 - 02:50]
All the very idea Mr Lara you ain't a scared and no one
[02:50 - 02:55]
saw you face down ass Galloway.
[02:55 - 02:59]
He just flapping around enjoying the music. Same as us.
[02:59 - 03:04]
Alright but if that thing ever got tangled in my hair you know what you'd
[03:04 - 03:07]
have to cut my hair out in little chunks to get the bat out.
[03:07 - 03:12]
Whole Lot never did that missile are no so me neither.
[03:12 - 03:17]
Tell you what we would do though. We cut that bad out in little chunks.
[03:17 - 03:29]
That Cal country front here where women were cherished even as they were
[03:29 - 03:36]
by the female of the species played second fiddle from the top of the top.
[03:36 - 03:44]
Grace was expected to be well with gumption.
[03:44 - 03:49]
Although I rode the double standard just on
[03:49 - 03:53]
the run just right Cleveland New Mexico.
[03:53 - 03:57]
In our book no life for a lady you mean a long
[03:57 - 04:02]
way from here. Not till we hit the brush not to tell you
[04:02 - 04:08]
just what kind of a brush rather Are you close enough to a year Linda
[04:08 - 04:12]
see with those branches. Their song
[04:12 - 04:17]
Papa sticks if you see you can
[04:17 - 04:21]
stick you just break your brush.
[04:21 - 04:30]
And a good rule it was to not only for brush riden as when in mortified
[04:30 - 04:35]
but for a good many other pursuits and privations of the plains and mountains like
[04:35 - 04:40]
for instance if you were a pampered young widow lived with grief and dismay
[04:40 - 04:44]
facing your family's inheritance of new land and a new life.
[04:44 - 04:49]
Oh you know that.
[04:49 - 04:53]
Well there you are ma'am. But here we are. Why
[04:53 - 04:58]
here. Your place Miss Morley. That's the house that
[04:58 - 05:03]
right there. Yes ma'am. Built by the original homesteader.
[05:03 - 05:07]
But Mother it's only one room and there's grass growing out of the top
[05:07 - 05:13]
cavers boys don't need houses. I'm a live on a horse. He's not
[05:13 - 05:14]
is he mother.
[05:14 - 05:19]
We'll I'm not sure. We may all be living a little differently
[05:19 - 05:23]
from now on. Besides one horse power.
[05:23 - 05:24]
And I am now running to the.
[05:24 - 05:31]
No they are. Well that's my mountain. Where's my family.
[05:31 - 05:36]
Oh yes. Children don't forget your little sister while you're dividing
[05:36 - 05:40]
up the scenery. Well.
[05:40 - 05:44]
Reverend singer you never give me a job.
[05:44 - 05:49]
We all do I think. Come on children. Speaking of time
[05:49 - 05:54]
it's time we were getting settled into our new home. Hi it's just
[05:54 - 05:57]
out of the way again. Ray will you help won't you dear.
[05:57 - 06:02]
And don't forget the Navajo blanket surety that you got hornswoggled into buying them
[06:02 - 06:07]
things ma'am. There's no more warmth to him than if you're sleeping under a set of
[06:07 - 06:09]
chain harnesses.
[06:09 - 06:13]
Thank you Mr. hike. But they're pretty and they're cheerful and if you find a way to
[06:13 - 06:18]
hang them from wall to wall across the center we'll have a really decorated two
[06:18 - 06:19]
room house.
[06:19 - 06:29]
In the beginning of course when they were scarce as fleas in a dead guy
[06:29 - 06:35]
never known but one woman on a cowboy ranch and she wore moccasins and smoked one a
[06:35 - 06:39]
book I'm talking about the days of the open range what I want to know why are from the
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Arctic Sea the Gulf of Mexico but gradually these rarity is increased in
[06:44 - 06:46]
[06:46 - 06:50]
You mean he's got two wives cooped up together in a house he built.
[06:50 - 06:55]
That's right. And funny thing is they don't speak the
[06:55 - 07:00]
Major he said he'll be doggoned if he understands it. He figured you know they'd be
[07:00 - 07:05]
company for each other band and marry another woman for fifteen miles around.
[07:05 - 07:06]
But a day to work that away.
[07:06 - 07:16]
So after a while there they were these alien female creatures
[07:16 - 07:21]
dotted sparsely around through the wilderness in the sod shanties in the mountain
[07:21 - 07:25]
cabins in the ranch houses and heresy of Harris's even one or
[07:25 - 07:34]
two of them on the trail.
[07:34 - 07:38]
Of misfortune. There was Mary Taylor
[07:38 - 07:43]
but a bride on the O.J. ism trail in 1886
[07:43 - 07:48]
recently come to ranch life with a trousseau from Marshall Fields of Chicago and
[07:48 - 07:53]
an approach handed down from me.
[07:53 - 07:58]
But you can't go off and leave me. Not for two whole months. Just
[07:58 - 08:03]
because you're on Hardball. It has the sore eyes but we've got to move those herds up to try and
[08:03 - 08:08]
burn that take me to please how. That's impossible my dears
[08:08 - 08:21]
there's no way there would be if you really love me and wanted me to be with you.
[08:21 - 08:26]
Then up from the tough and touchy world of Brushy Creek there was Mrs George plus
[08:26 - 08:31]
three children already and a fourth due in the fall. Indian ponies hitched to an old
[08:31 - 08:36]
hack a camping outfit back of the seat and a spyglass and a shotgun Netter
[08:36 - 08:40]
and carriage arrivals hall was loaded and ready.
[08:40 - 08:44]
Mr. Klug scale the words I know think even harder you know it's going to cut this
[08:44 - 08:49]
heard what's the matter with you son.
[08:49 - 08:54]
You're lookin to draw water round the mile that writer ma'am from the
[08:54 - 08:56]
Smadar outfit.
[08:56 - 09:00]
He led them rustlers Up ahead he's got a cell number I'm sayin the Snyders
[09:00 - 09:05]
way yonder out numbered way
[09:05 - 09:12]
if it was just you get hype here and look after
[09:12 - 09:15]
the children. I land maybe heard of your gun.
[09:15 - 09:30]
By and large though the world of the West was a man's wear and this man Walter
[09:30 - 09:34]
Prescott Webb Joe says lived on horseback like the better wins.
[09:34 - 09:39]
Oh never been all flowers but two weeks in my life. That's when I had
[09:39 - 09:46]
the measles. Just kept right on arriving with my other diseases.
[09:46 - 09:48]
He fought on horseback like the knights of old.
[09:48 - 09:55]
There's an orange John oh boy let's go.
[09:55 - 10:00]
And like those older models in chainmail. The man in chopper a host facing his own
[10:00 - 10:04]
rules of chivalry his code of conduct for dealing with these security
[10:04 - 10:09]
intruders who had no business to be in there in the first place.
[10:09 - 10:14]
There we was with nine hundred hungry hit a lick of the skin for that ground full of
[10:14 - 10:19]
green lambs corridor and there inside was an old Marthy.
[10:19 - 10:23]
Barbara what this little high I've climbed down I stand and only gate Lord
[10:23 - 10:28]
meeting them leave stares in the face with their own sun bonnet and yelling at me to keep them out of
[10:28 - 10:36]
there you can. Come. How come we can't call.
[10:36 - 10:41]
Him an me. It's always Cal got beat
[10:41 - 10:47]
to. No good. Right now they're on the.
[10:47 - 10:51]
Telly. Well you talk about a million and a
[10:51 - 10:53]
[10:53 - 10:57]
We was all plumb give out from standing guard 3 knots already trying to get
[10:57 - 11:01]
that herd to town and shipped out of the country before they all started and
[11:01 - 11:08]
we made a forced drive to get to this corral but tarnation what a feller going to
[11:08 - 11:12]
do when a baby stands flop in her bonnet in the face of a takes it along a line a
[11:12 - 11:18]
tellin em to stay the B doggies out her birds feed lot. Well what did you do.
[11:18 - 11:23]
Well I says boys it looks like we stand guard again tonight and they
[11:23 - 11:27]
all says Looks like we do.
[11:27 - 11:29]
Funny what a thing like that can do.
[11:29 - 11:34]
That offit was all bowed every man in it was raining.
[11:34 - 11:37]
You know well we all get Dr. Spring drawn to work.
[11:37 - 11:42]
Poor Kim. But that not every man jack of them went out
[11:42 - 11:46]
wished when his turn at the night guard. And even the cook acted
[11:46 - 11:48]
almost human next morning.
[11:48 - 12:01]
The chivalry of the West they called it
[12:01 - 12:14]
cow country was something less than.
[12:14 - 12:19]
That is all roses.
[12:19 - 12:25]
It has another place.
[12:25 - 12:34]
The dictionary means of mounting a world back.
[12:34 - 12:35]
In the world.
[12:35 - 12:47]
Petticoats on the plane. It's radio television the University of
[12:47 - 12:52]
Texas has brought you program Number 10 of the American Council.
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Today's broadcast is based on source materials from the Texas History Library the University
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of Texas. Major scenes were adapted from no life for a lady by
[13:02 - 13:07]
Agnes Morley Cleveland hell on horses and women by Alice Marion.
[13:07 - 13:12]
A bride on the old Chisholm Trail by Mary Taylor Bunton the cattleman
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by Maria's son took a bibliography is available on request.
[13:18 - 13:22]
The American cowboy is produced and directed by Bill Burke from scripts by Mary D Benjamin
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under the supervision of Robert F. shank. Associate Producer
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Arsinoe original music by Eleanor are now
[13:32 - 13:36]
writer is Horton Wayne Smith student production assistant Allen play
[13:36 - 13:41]
Dan Langfield speaking. Petticoats on the planes was produced and recorded
[13:41 - 13:46]
by radio television at the University of Texas under a grant from the National Educational
[13:46 - 13:51]
Television and Radio Center and is being distributed by the National Association of
[13:51 - 14:03]
educational broadcaster.
[14:03 - 14:06]
This is the n a e b Radio Network.